Important Notice
Special considerations before beginning use
The use of MindSpa is safe for most people as no serious side effects are known.
However, there are few particular cases where MindSpa should only be used with the
prior approval and monitoring of a medical or health care professional.
Persons suffering from any sort of serious medical condition, including epilepsy,
brain injury, mental impairments, visual photosensitivity, any form of macular
degeneration. Those with serious physical conditions including those using a
pacemaker or suffering cardiac arrhythmia or other heart disorders must consult
with a medical professional before beginning use.
Use with children or minors only with prior parental consent and monitoring.
Do not use while on medication or while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Do not use while operating machinery, vehicles or other mechanical devices.
Discontinue use if experiencing any sort of adverse reactions such as dizziness,
migraine, or severe anxiety. Please consult with a medical professional, if these
symptoms occur.
A/V Stim, LLC, NeuroTech, Inc, and Ruth Olmstead make no implicit or overt claims
for cure or treatment of any medical or psychological disorders. No expressed or
implied medical claims are made for A/V Stim products. These products should not be
used for the relief of any medical or psychological condition.