8.50°C Charge (Lithium)
8.6 Day/Night Threshold
and day/night delay
page 11
charge mode
If the temperatures are higher than 0°C, the normal charging mode is used. However, when
temperatures are below 0°C, the following applies:
On the first night, the load will have no power. 24 hours later, the controller automatically
adjusts the setting to deliver power the following night.
Battery can be charged normally
Threshold setting range: 3.0 to 8.0 V.
Based on the open-circuit voltage of the solar system, the charge controller recognizes day
and night. The day/night threshold can be adjusted depending on the lighting conditions.
Battery cannot be charged
The load shedding threshold voltage is 1V higher than the setting data.
Max. charging current is 20% of the rated current
The threshold can be delayed by up to 30 minutes using the day/night delay.
The 0°C charge can be set to "Yes", "No", or "Slow".
The controller automatically adjusts the threshold voltage.
This means that the load will be cut off when the solar voltage is between 4.0V to 9.0V.
operation manual
MPPT solar charge controller X45/10
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