What is A. O. Smith RO water purifier?
A. O. Smith RO
is advanced 8 stage RO from A. O. Smith. It is 100% RO with no
bypass of water for maximum purity. It is double purified by SCMT (Silver Charged
Membrane Technology) and required essential minerals are added back to water.
What is 100% RO with mineraliser?
In ordinary RO+UV water purifiers, some amount of water is made to bypass the
RO membrane. With this, heavy metals, unwanted salts and pesticides also pass
through. In
A. O. Smith RO
100% of the water is passed through the RO
membrane which ensures maximum purity of water and required minerals are
added back to pure water.
How many stages A. O. Smith RO has? And what are the stages?
A. O. Smith RO
has 8 stages of purification which are Pre- Sediment filter
+ Carbon block + ART™ (Advance Recovery Technology™) + Patented Side Stream
RO Me MIN-TECH (Mineraliser Technology) + ZX Double Protection Dual
Filter* (Silver Activated Post Carbon block + SCMT (Silver Charged Membrane
How is A. O. Smith RO different from A. O. Smith RO Water Purifier?
A. O. Smith RO
is 5 stage 100% RO whereas
A. O. Smith RO
is a 8 stage RO
with double purity and added minerals.
What is SCMT?
Silver Charged Membrane Technology is double purification of water after the RO
membrane to ensure absolute purity.
What is RO+SCMT?
It is unique double purification process to ensure absolute purity of water.
Does it retain minerals?
A. O. Smith RO
has an additional mineral filter (MIN-TECH) which adds essential
minerals back to water.
What is MIN-TECH?
MIN-TECH is Mineraliser Technology to add essential minerals back to water.
What is the storage capacity of A. O. Smith RO ?
The storage capacity in the A. O. Smith RO is 9 litres of pure water.
10. What is the purification flow rate of A. O. Smith RO ?
Up to 15 litres per hour, purification capacity also depends on water quality,
condition of filters and RO membrane.
11. Does it have Pre-filter? Is it free?
A. O. Smith RO
water purifier comes with a Pre-filter which is part of the
* Patent Applied