The filters
Cleaning and maintaining the filters
Provides proper cleaning can extend the lifespan of the filters. User can remove both pre-filters and main-
filters from the unit; then clean the dust on the filters surface with a vacuum cleaner. (No cleaning or
maintenance is needed for the interior of the filters, please be reminded that washing or exposing the filters
to the sun light is prohibited.)
Filters’ lifespan indicator
The lifespan of filters is represented by five green bars as shown below; green bar will goes out by each
gradually along with the running hour of the unit.
When only one bar remains and the color turns to orange, a “Replacement Icon
” will also appear to
remind user to replace the filters.
When the remaining bar turns to red and filters are not yet to be replaced. The “Replacement Icon
” will
flash three times together with alarm to alert user to replace filters immediately. If no action has been taken,
the performance of purification will be affected and the unit will be shut down by electronic system
eventually to prevent secondary pollution.
To reset filters’ lifespan indicators
Step One: Replace Main/Pre-filters
Replace main/pre-filters according to instruction and indication of
Step Two: Reset filters’ indicators
Press and at the same time for 3 seconds, the words of
“MAINFILTER” and “PREFILTER“ will flash and follow the
instruction below to reset the designated filters respectively:
Reset main filters lifespan indicator: Press again, five green
bars will appear and the “Replacement Icon” will disappear.
Reset Pre-filters lifespan indicator: Press again, five green
bars will appear and the “Replacement Icon” will disappear.
The power plug must be unplugged before cleaning or maintenance the unit.
Please replace both main-filters at the same time, not individually!
Please replace both pre- filters at the same time, not individually!