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Commercial Storage Tanks
Revised September 2010
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Storage tank shall be A. O. SMITH glass-lined storage tank. Tank shall be _______” x _______” and have a nominal
capacity of ____ gallons. Tank(s) shall have threaded openings as shown on drawings. Interior of tank(s) shall be
glasslined with an alkaline borosilicate composition which has been fused to the steel by firing at a temperature of 1600°F.
Glass coating shall be continuous over the entire inner surface of the tank. Outer jacket shall have a baked enamel
finish. Meets or exceeds R12.5 minimum thermal insulation requirements of the U. S. Department of Energy and current
edition of ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1. Cathodic protection shall be provided. Tank shall have a working pressure of ____ psi.
Tank shall have a five year limited warranty as outlined in the written warranty.
AOSTT35100 R August 2010 Storage Tank Spec.indd 4
9/1/10 12:13 PM