2. Use the screws to install the bracket on the
water heater.
3. If necessary, use the screws to install the
T.R.S. thermostat in the bracket.
4. Connect the plug of the T.R.S. thermostat.
Make sure that the T.R.S. sensor does not have
sharp kinks. This can lead to malfunctions
which can damage the equipment.
Fig. Install the T.R.S. thermostat
8.6.3 Discharge pipe
Install a vertical discharge pipe directly on top of
the draught diverter. This pipe must have at least
50 cm of length before the first bent.
Make sure that the discharge pipe is protected
against corrosion and has at least the same
diameter of the draught diverter.
8.7 Commissioning
To commission the water heater:
1. Fill the water heater (see 8.7.1)
2. Check the burner pressure (see 8.7.2)
3. Turn on the water heater (see 8.7.3)
8.7.1 Filling
Refer to the installation diagram (see 8.3) when
you fill the water heater:
1. Open the stop valve (11) in the hot water
supply pipe.
2. If applicable, open the stop valves (4) of the
circulation pipe (C).
3. Make sure that the drain valve (9) is closed.
4. Open all hot water draw-off points (14) to
bleed the entire installation of air.
5. Open the valve of the inlet security group (2)
in the cold water supply pipe (A). Cold water
flows into the water heater.
6. Fill the water heater until cold water flows out
of all opened draw-off points. The water
heater is completely full.
7. Make sure that no water comes out of the
pressure relief valve of the inlet security
group (2) or the T&P valve (3). If water
comes out:
Examine if the water supply pressure is
greater than the specified value in the
Technical details. If necessary, install a
pressure reducing valve (1).
Examine if the pressure relief valve of the
inlet security group in the protected cold
supply set-up is installed correctly and is
not defect. If necessary, replace the
expansion valve.
8. Close all hot water draw-off points.
8.7.2 Burner pressure
Make sure that the burner pressure is set
correctly in order to check the nominal load.
Check the burner pressure:
1. Remove the sealing screw of the test nipple.
2. Connect a pressure gauge to the test nipple
as soon as you smell gas.
3. Turn on the water heater (see 4.1).
4. If necessary, create a heat demand:
Use a hot water draw-off point to tap
water, or
Use the temperature control knob to raise
the setpoint of the water temperature
(see 4.1.1).
5. Wait about 1 minute.
6. Use the pressure gauge to read the burner
pressure and compare it with the value from
the appendix Gas details (see 12.4).
7. If necessary, correct the burner pressure with
the pressure adjustment screw:
a) Remove the temperature control knob by
pulling it straight out. The burner
pressure adjustment screw ("pr adj") will
be visible.
b) Turn the screw anticlockwise to decrease
the burner pressure or clockwise to
increase the burner pressure.
c) Replace the temperature control knob.
8. Turn the water heater off (see 4.2).
9. Disconnect the pressure gauge.
10. Replace the sealing screw and tighten it on
the test nipple.
Installation, Maintenance and Service part