Setting up VIOSO to work with Delta Media Server
© 2020 7thSense
VIOSO Integrate
h. Change ‘Surface curvature’ for extreme screens.
i. Check ‘Intense overshooting of projector’ if a big part of the projection is not displayed on the
j. Uncheck ‘Optimization of mesh’ if the shape does not match the real screen.
k. You can use cropping masks to cut parts of the projectors and change blending zones.
l. Load your own test image.
m. Save calibration for further use or for debugging send to VIOSO.
6. Once the calibration is complete for the first display, click Next and repeat stage
3. Geometric
for remaining displays.
7. Adjust the points – adding more as necessary – to define your screen bounds.
C. Export MPCDI Data
1. In the Calibrator software, select
Export Mapping
2. Select the target display (not the individual displays) and your desired format from the dropdown.
3. Tick ‘Individual split export’.
4. Tick ‘Virtual content rects’ in case you want to let VIOSO do the slicing; you’ll find a ~_def.txt
containing optimal content size and scanouts.
5. Set your file name. To change the folder, use the ‘Browse’ button.
6. Click ‘Export’.
Load Mapping into Delta Media Server
Delta incorporates VIOSO autoalignment data as MPCDI (Multiple Projection Common Data
Interchange v.2, 2013). This common standard for exchange of channel blends and warps and
projector positional data as defined by VESA (see VESA Standards).