5Star Systems Spica 250M User Manual Download Page 3

Summary of Contents for Spica 250M

Page 1: ...SPICA 25OM ...

Page 2: ...Sstar Systems Spica 2501 4 tjser manual Tel 0031 23 55 44 611 ...

Page 3: ...d and all connectjons with the mains wih particular cauUonl Make sure that the available voliage is not higher than staled on the rear panel Always plug in the power plug least lvlake sure that the poweÊswitch is set to oFF posiuon before you connect the device lo the mains The poweFplug hâs io be accesdble after installing the device lVâke sure that the power cord is never crimped ordamaged by sh...

Page 4: ...xtreme heat moisture or dust There should not be any cables lying around You endanger your ow1 and the safety of olhersl The minimum distance between light oulput and the illuminated ôurfâce must be more than 1 meter ÀIake sure thât lhe area belowlhe instâllation piace is blocked when rigging deranging or setuicing the lixture AJways fix the fixture with an appropriate safet rope Fix the safety ro...

Page 5: ...rcuii bums electric shock bums due to ultrâv olet radiâtion amp explosion crash e c 2 lntroduction Unpack your SPICA 2501 1 and make sure thal there are no damages caused by transporlation Should there be any please consult yolr local dealer and do noi take lhe device into operation 2 1 Beam path wide l S objective I i 2 2 Tech ni cal spec ifi cations Power supply ELJ model US model Power consumpt...

Page 6: ...l chânnels full 16 ttt protocol Ghannel 1 Horizontal mirror mo ernent I bit Channel 2i Fine Hodzontal mirror movemerit 16 bil Channel 3r Vertical minor mo ernent I tit Channel 4 Fine Vertical mirror mo r mènt 18 bil Channel 5r Pan Tilt speed Channel 6r Fen speed On Off lamp reset Channel 7r Colours Channel 8 No function Chânnel 9 Prism vheel Channêl 10 P sm rotation Channel 11 Rotating gobos Chann...

Page 7: ...empêraturc ta 45 C Maximum housing temperature tB steady state r 80 C Dimensions and wèighl Length of base including handles vv clih of yoke Height head horizontal Weight net i Shipping weight 373 mm 427 nm 459 mm 18 ke 25 kg 2 3 Description of the device 1 l4oving Head 2 Yoke 3 Base 4 Carrying handles Tel 0031 23 55 44 611 ...

Page 8: ...identify which ôover is top by loosening the 2 Phillips screws on top of plastic cov r Th n open lhe srnall lâmp cover by loosening 2 fâstening sarews see the drêwng DANGER lnstall the lamps wlth thê device sÛtched otf only Unplug from maina boioG I HIGH OITAGE lf changing the lamp remove the old lampfrom the socket lnsert the lampio the sock6t Do not install e lâmp with a higher wattage A lamp li...

Page 9: ...5 mm from the lens by turn ing the screw d see the drawings Lamp adju8trnènf below Then clos the s n ll lamp cover by tighten 3 fast ning screws again Reclose lhe top cov r of the head and lighten the 4 Phillips screws Betore striking the lemp reset th LAil counter in th6 main menu of thê Control Boerd by pressing the ljp and Down bultons in one lime and then contirming wilh th6 Entêr button Lamp ...

Page 10: ... lafip closer to the renector Do so by tuming screw A until the light is evenly distribuled lfthe light on the edge seemsto be brighteras in lhe centre the lamp is too close at the reflector ln this case you need to move the lamp away from the reflector until the light is evenly distribuled and the beam appears bright enough 3 3 In serti ng Ex chan gin g gobos To insert the gobos open the lop cove...

Page 11: ...eforel CAUÏIONI Never unscrew the screws ofthe rotating gobo as the ball bearing will otherwlse be openedl 3 4 Connection to the mains Connect the fixture to the ma ns with the enclosed power plug The eerth hâs to be connectedl HIGH OI IAGE Cable Pin lnte national Bluê N utral I Brown N Eerth I Tel 0031 23 55 44 611 11 ...

Page 12: ...DMx chain Connecl the DMx outpul of the firsl lxture in the DMX chain with lhe Dfirx input ofthe next fixture Alwâys connect one output with the inpll ofthe next fixture until alltixtures are connecled Caution At the last fixture the D X cable has to be terminated with a terminator Soldêr a 120 Ohm resislor between Signal É ând Signal into a 3 pin XLR plug and plug it in the Dl 4x outpui of the la...

Page 13: ...uurc thât the st uctùrc truss to rvhich you âr âttaching the flxtutes la secute lnstall a sâfety wire that can hold at leâst 1 0 times thê weight of the fixture Never uæ the carrying handles for s condary attachment Têl 0031 23 55 44 611 13 ...

Page 14: ...vedapdng channels in older to control each SPICA 250M cofieclly and independently from any oiher fixture on the DMX datâ jink lftwo three or more SPICA 250À 1 s are addressed similarly they willwork simila y For address setting followthis prccedure 1 Switch On the SPICA 2501 I and wait untilihe fixture reset has iinished rsl is flashing at ihe display 2 Press ihe lModel key in order to access the ...

Page 15: ...f for swtch Otf the lâmp and press lEnter to confirm or ll 4odello cancei Note It is a so im porlant to nole thai ihe dlscharge arn p S cold restrike types ihat rn eans that they have to be cold before re sir k ng Forthsreason youhavelowâit5minutes max speedoflenraustbe adiusied after having switched Offihe lamp belore you cân switch it back On aga n lf you iry to swilch On the lamp with n 5 minut...

Page 16: ...of the ighling This cycle can repeal severâl times until the iemperâture inside s on suitable leve 3 LoOF low speed Switch Offthe lamp operating the fan keeps the adjusted low speed unlillhe lemperature exceeds mâx insidelemp then the SPICA 250À automatically switches Off lhe lamp 4 LoHl low high speed ofthe fân operating the fan keeps the adiusted low speed Lrntilthe lernperature exceeds max nsid...

Page 17: ...the fixture will occupy 16 Dl 4X channels if you adjust the 8 bit resolulion the ixlure will be operâted by only 1 4 DII X channels Please check the DIMX Droiocol LâmD On time LHT Thls option enables you to read the total number of hours that the larnp has been powered On Press lEnter or lModel to return to the main menu ln orde to reset lhe counterto 0 you have to hold the Up and lDown button ând...

Page 18: ...âbles the SPICA 250 to index all effects functions and retum to therr standard positions Manual control ot effe ts This function allows you to control manually ihe channel funciions of the fxlure Use the Up and lDowni keys to se ect des red funclion and press lEnter to sl t5e efecl or Mod to cance ard rerur r to the merL Pfrn i t it i PBnê t tP PEnl L tt SPdt ta t SPdè a SPdl o 3 5Pd9 SP S o 8 CPE...

Page 19: ... can adjustfrom 20 io 100 ihe intensity of the display Use the Up and lDown keys io se eci the level ofthe display intensiiy and press JEnterl to conflrm or JModel to cance and IetuIn to the menl LamD Offvia DMX BF dL Thisfunction âllows you io switch Off the lamp by DMX Use the Up ând lDownlkeys to select on if you want to swtch Oif the lamp by DIVIX or Off if you don t wani to switch Offthe lâmp...

Page 20: ...fault posltions ofcolour qobo and effect wheels ndLi By this function you cên calibrale and adjust the colour gobo and effect wheels to their slândardright positions Use the Up ând lDownl keys to bro se through the adlusting menu the display shows siep by step these messâges PAn Tilt SPEd Colo EFEC Prot rGOB G ot Foc Stro dimr FCAL by which you can adjust the fixture to the required desired posiuo...

Page 21: ... GOBOS GOBO ROTAT ON FOCUS STROBO STANDARO PROTOCOT STANDARD STANOARO PROTOCaIT SIANDARD PROTOCOL STAÀDARO PROTOCOT STANDARD PROTOCOL ST NDARD PROTOCOL After havrng calibrated required funciions press Enter to confim or llvlodel to cancel and relurn to ihe menu wlhout reset by the AiES function and use the ArES function in order lo Write ihe calibretion values tolhe merllory EEPRO 4 and to make a ...

Page 22: ...efective or iis driver circuit on the îrain PCB The prism whee is nôi locâled in the defâult oosi on afterthe reset FtEr This error message inforras you thai the iixture was overheaiing occured iflhe ambient temperature is 45 C or more ând that the relay sÙtched off the lamp This message will appear on the display until the tempelature will be on a suitable level then the display will showthe HEAl...

Page 23: ...peed From max to min speed of fan Lamp on No function Resei No flrnction Lamp off after 5 seconds No I rnction 7 5 0 7 14 21 35 42 49 70 77 a4 91 98 105 It2 119 128 190 194 6 13 2A 27 u 41 48 55 69 76 83 90 97 104 111 118 127 189 Colours Spllt White Yellow Splii Yellow orange Orânge Split Orange Red Red spllt Red Blue Blue Split Blue Green Green Split Green Pink Pink Split Pink Turquoise Turquoise...

Page 24: ...adiushneni from farto near 15 13 0 31 32 63 64 S5 96 127 12a 159 160 191 192 223 224 255 Shuiter Sirobe Shuiter c osed No function Strobe effeci from slow to fâst Nowfunction Pulse effect in sequences Nowfunciion Random strobe effect from slowto fasi No function 16 14 0 255 Dimmer intensiiv from 0 to 100 SStar Systems Spica 250M User manual 10 Maintenance and cleaning It is absoluiely essential th...

Page 25: ...ing the fuse lf the lamp burns out ihe fine wire fuse of the device m ght fuse too Only rep ace the fuse by a fuse of same type and rating Beforc replacing thefuse unplug ma ns iead Procedure Step 1 lJnscrewthe fuse holder on the rear panelwith a fitting screwdriverfrom ihe housing ant clockwse Step 2 Remove the o d fuse from ihe fuse holder Step 3 lnsiallthe new fuse in the fuse holder Slep 4 Rep...

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Page 38: ...B tt D oR a5 2oB p5c æB i ôsÉ zoR a5a lro8 ôsDP rhp Rn sDP _____1ÊD À s 3 9 e 9 RAi4OcK RA5 5 AN4 REoAqÀN5 x vss 1 _ Ç lt I _ rg trra I sw1 sw1 ÀAAÀ sr s sr 54 ONr2ôN 2ôN ôû2 ttt À T I I ç iôi6 3trÈ X EilÀrsàiiÀ Ë â ...

Page 39: ... j À I ô ôô 6 x i MT25O_2 SCH ...

Page 40: ...I I I t I t I I I I a Ë 3 â x i rX a Mr250 3 A B MT25O 3 SCH ...
