• You can also press and hold
buttons #7 and #8 at the same
time in order to return to the main
There are two types of settings —
settings on the device and settings
in the application.
Settings on the
Use the switch #10, located on
the bottom side, to adjust the
vibrations intensity. This switch
has 4 positions. The maximum
right position of the switch sets the
maximum vibrations intensity, and
the maximum left position of the
switch sets the minimum vibrations
With the help of switch #11, that is
also located on the bottom, you can
change the mode of transmission
of characters to the HaptiBraille
Communicator. You can make the
vibrations transmitted to all keys
simultaneous or sequential. When
you first start using the device,
we recommend using sequential
character transmission.
This switch has two positions.
In the maximum right position, the
sequential point transmission mode
is activated, and in the maximum left
position, all points are transmitted
Switch #12 allows you to adjust
the characters transmission speed.
There are 4 modes of speed
settings. In the maximum right
position, you can set the slowest
transmission rate, and in the
maximum left position, you can set
the fastest transmission rate.