Installation & Removal
1. Align the port end of the filters with the ports on the facepiece (Fig. 1).
2. Push the filters into the connector until you hear a click and the blue cartridge/filter release button raises back to its initial position (Fig. 2).
3. Ensure you connect a filter to each side of the facepiece.
4. To remove the filter, depress the blue cartridge/filter release button and simultaneously pull outward on the filter (Fig. 3).
Printed Colors – Front:
Susan Anderson
File Name:
20132-18_Install Filters_PSD.ai
Structure #:
This artwork has been created as requested by 3M. 3M is responsible for the artwork
AS APPROVED and assumes full responsibility for its correctness.
1 Inch
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Storage Conditions and Shelf Life
Before use, store filters in the original packaging, away from contaminated areas, dust, sunlight, extreme temperatures, excessive moisture and
damaging chemicals. When stored in accordance with temperature and humidity conditions specified below, the filter may be used until the “use by”
date specified on packaging. Always inspect product and conduct a user seal check before use as specified in the respirator
User Instructions
. If you
cannot achieve a proper seal, do not enter the contaminated area. See your supervisor.
End of Shelf Life
Use filters before the “use by” date specified on packaging
Storage Temperature Range
-20°C (-4°F) to +30°C (+86°F)
< 80%
Storage Maximum Relative Humidity
<80% RH
NIOSH Approved: P100 Particulate Filter.
At least 99.97% filtration efficiency against solid and liquid aerosols including oils.
For Compliance in Brazil NOTE:
Particulate Filters D3091, D3096, D3097, P3 SL
In Brazil, Ministry of Labor approved as filter class P3 SL.
1. In Brazil do not use when concentrations of contaminants are greater than 10 times the permissible exposure limit using half facepiece.
2. Do not use in deficient or enriched oxygen atmospheres.
3. Storage, Transportation and Care: store in a clean and dry place and away from contaminants and extreme temperature and humidity.
4. The components of this filter are made of materials which are not expected to cause adverse health effects.
5. It is necessary to have special care to use this product in explosive atmospheres.
In Brazil, contact:
Hotline: 0800-0132333
Home Page: www.3mepi.com.br
e-mail: [email protected]