adapters (typically, BNC-to-N or BNC-to-banana plugs). Such adapters are
widely available. In case of difficulties in obtaining them, you can order
them from 3M.
The DC voltage that the 3M
ScanEM-C Electromagnetic Near-Field Probe
provides has a high output resistance—60 kOhms. While it doesn’t present
a problem when using the ScanEM-C Probe with a multimeter with high
input impedance, connecting the ScanEM-C Probe to a 50 Ohms input of
a spectrum analyzer limits the DC signal to a maximum of 2.5 mV without
affecting the AC performance.
Always Set the Level Dial to Zero When Using ScanEM-C as a Probe
When the Level dial is set to zero, it disables the ScanEM-C Probe’s own
indication—the LEDs and the speaker, —preventing any influence on the
output signal.
Do not load the ScanEM-C Probe’s output with less than 50 Ohms load
(such as connecting it in parallel to the inputs of a spectrum analyzer and 50
Ohms input of an oscilloscope). This will not damage the ScanEM-C Probe,
but its performance will be reduced.
Though the ScanEM-C Probe has a wide dynamic range, a very strong field
may overload it. This may result in harmonic distortions of the output signal.
The overload condition can be clearly seen on the screen of a spectrum
analyzer or an oscilloscope. Should this occur, simply move the ScanEM-C
Probe farther away from the emission source until distortions go away.
Amplified Near-Field Probes for a Spectrum Analyzer
Connect the ScanEM-C Probe to the INPUT of the spectrum analyzer with
the supplied cable. Some spectrum analyzers require the use of a BNC-to-N
The performance of the the ScanEM-C Probes is superior to those of