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Let us help you make the most of your next presentation. We offer every thing from presentation supplies to tips for
better meetings. And we're the only transparency manufacturer that offers a recycling program for your used
transparencies. For late-breaking news, handy references and free product samples, visit our Internet Website.
e-mail: [email protected]
3M 1997 DY-0205-1351-0 Rev. B
3M Austin Center
Building A145-5N-01
6801 River Place Blvd.
Austin, TX 78726-9000
3M Canada
P.O. Box 5757
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 4T1
3M Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
Apartado Postal 14-139
Mexico, D.F. 07070
3M Europe
Boulevard de l'Oise
9500 Cerge Pontoife Cedex
Printed on 50% recycled wastepaper,
including 10% post-consumer wastepaper