3M™ Breathe Easy™ PAPR with Butyl Rubber Hood and RBE-57
– Cleaning and Storage
After each use, the PAPR Unit and its components should be appropriately
cleaned and sanitized. Cleaning procedures must be site-specific and based on
known or suspected contaminants.
1. Routine Cleaning Information
a. The hood, blower, battery pack and breathing tube may be
wiped down with a damp towel or sponge.
b. Cleaning solutions containing petroleum based solvents or
lanolin should not be used as these may damage plastic items.
c. Do not immerse the blower, battery pack or breathing tube.
d. The PAPR unit, battery, breathing tube and all other
components are not designed for sterilization by irradiation,
ethylene oxide or steam autoclaving and may be permanently
damaged by these methods.
2. Cleaning and disinfection of the butyl rubber hood:
a. Remove the hood from the breathing tube
b. Wash the hood in mild soap and warm water.
c. You may disinfect with 3M™ Twist ‘n Fill™ 5L quat. Follow
product user instructions for Twist ‘n Fill 5L quat. An alternate
cleaning and disinfecting solution is a hypochlorite solution (1 oz.
[30ml] household bleach in 2 gallons [7.5 L] of water).
d. Rinse hood thoroughly in warm, fresh water.
e. Hang hood vertically and allow to air dry.
Use the following suggested procedures for cleaning your
a, After having disconnected the breathing tube from any attached
b. Remove the battery and the PAPR blower unit from the waist
belt or vest and set aside.