3M Breathe Easy PAPR Use And Maintenance Download Page 2

e.  A solid green light demonstrates that the battery is fully charged.  

3M recommends that the BP-15 battery be left on the BC-210 
when not in use.  The BC-210 maintains the battery. 


Always charge batteries in a cool environment with good air circulation; not in a 
closed cabinet.  


The BP-15 nickel metal hydride battery should be placed on the BC-210 when 
not in use.  A new, fully charged, BP-15 battery should provide up to 8 hours of 


NiMH batteries will lose about 1 - 2% of their charge per day when stored at 
room temperature.  Storage in hot or cold environments may reduce capacity.  
After prolonged storage, the battery may need to be charged and used for 
several cycles to restore optimal performance. 

© 3M April 2007.  All rights reserved. 
