Disposable Respirator
8514, P2
©Copyright 3M Australia Pty. Limited 2007
Neither whole or part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission
February 2007
Respirators must not be used until your
employer has determined whether us-
age will be in accordance with manu-
facturers instructions.
The wearer must be trained in the
proper fitting and use of this product.
Failure to follow all instructions and
warnings on the use of this product
and/or failure to wear this respirator
during all times of exposure can reduce
respirator effectiveness and result in
illness or death.
All respirators should be used in accor-
dance with Australian Standard AS/
NZS 1715.
It is recommended that fit testing be con-
ducted before assigning a respirator to
an individual. If you cannot achieve a
proper fit, do not enter contaminated
Do not use with beards or other facial
hair or conditions that prevent a good
seal between the face and the sealing
surface of the respirator.
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