Consult your supervisor if you have any questions concerning the use of this pump or your respirator, or if you are not certain that the
inlet muffler is in a breathable location.
For technical assistance or additional copies of this manual, call or write:
Technical Assistance
3M Canada Service and Support Centre
1175 California Avenue
Brockville, Ontario
K6V 5V8
Toll Free
(800) 267-4414
(613) 345-0826
For more Information
3M Canada Sales and Marketing
Toll Free (800) 265-1840 ext. 6137
Local (519) 452-6137
3M Innovation Network:
3M Canada Network:
For other 3M products:
Toll Free 1-800-3M Helps
Warning: Do not use extension cords longer than 30 metres (100 feet) or rated
less than fifteen (15) amperes when operating this device. We recommend using
a minimum 12-gauge grounded extension cord with a length not exceeding 30
metres (100 feet). Pump damage will occur and the pump's warranty will be
voided if this practice is not followed.