Type 27 Wheel Mounting Hardware and Usage
Type 27 Grinding Wheels are also known as Depressed Center Grinding Wheels. They have a dish shaped center to allow the lower mounting hardware or fl ange to be
recessed into the wheel. This allows the wheel to be used in a nearly fl at orientation when needed.
Refer to ANSI B7.1-2000 Safety Requirements for Use, Care and Protection of Abrasive Wheels and ISO/EN 12413 Safety Requirements for Bonded Abrasive Products for
proper abrasive wheel applications.
1/4” Grinding Wheel Type 27
4 1/2” Std. Guard
PN 54062
Fibre disc mounted with Low
Profi le Disc Pad Hub PN 28476,
Disc Pad Face Plate PN 28443,
and Disc Retainer Nut PN 02618
4 1/2” Std. Guard
PN 54062
Flap Wheel Type 27
4 1/2” Std. Guard
PN 54062
Quick Change Flap Wheel
4 1/2” Jumbo
PN 54065