is here to help and assist the DIYer. All information / advice is for general guidance only and whilst
every effort is made to ensure that it is correct, it should not be relied upon as accurate. The information / advice
contained within this document is intended for persons of no less than 18 years of age. Use of the information /
advice contained within this document is at your own risk. It is the sole responsibility of any person(s) using the
information / advice contained within this document that their level of competence is appropriate for the task they
want to complete. All users of information / advice contained within this document should have all work checked /
tested by a professional qualified trades person where applicable. You should be aware of current regulations on
buildings, gas, water and electrical works (i.e. Part P) if you have any doubts we would advise you to research
further information or contact the appropriate professional body.
Netholics Media, LLC
with the document through ownership and contribution will not accept
any liability for any loss, damage, injury or negligence direct or indirect from use of the information / advice
contained within this document. Any dispute arising from use of this document or disclaimer will be decided by the
US courts under the relevant US law.
3DSHEDPLANS™ is official & registered trademark in the US. All of the contents (text/slogan) and artwork (graphics/
logo) within this document are the copyrighted and trademarked property of 3DSHEDPLANS™ & Netholics Media,
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d no part of this document may be
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Information may be stored on computer for personal use
by the client (who purchased the plans from our official store)
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