75-D059 REV_A
Build Setup Tips
• The optimum print area for parts is a 330x280 mm (12 .9x10 .9 inches)
rectangle .
• You may find it advantageous to organize the STL files into layers for
the print job . Separate the layers of parts in Z by 2 .50 mm (0 .09 inches) .
• Due to the processing temperatures, parts placed at the bottom layer
of the print may not cool evenly and may tend to curl during printing .
“Curling, During Print” on page 16
• If the STL file has a thick cross-section, you might want to place it higher
in the print cylinder, such as Z = 127 mm (5 inches) .
• Thick cross-sections that have features with X-Y slices or Z depth greater
than 12 .7 mm (0 .5 inches) are more likely to experience post-print curl .
See the section
“Curling, During Print” on page 16
STL files in separate layers
PRINT MODE FOR DuraForm TPU Elastomer
A material configuration file for DuraForm TPU Elastomer is offered by 3D Systems. The process settings in this configuration
file provide a good starting point for printing.
Please refer to the Customer Information Bulletin (Tips & Info) document for more detailed information about the material
configuration, including the key process parameters and the expected mechanical properties and densities.
• Laser Power Set points and Heater Setpoints (both print and feed beds) will vary due to sensor variations and
customer-specific requirements.
• The Laser Power Set point can affect part durability and elongation . Refer to the DuraForm TPU Elastomer Customer
Information Bulletin (Tips & Info) for a list of tested laser powers and expected mechanical results .
NOTE: 3D Systems recommends monitoring the build until you develop the appropriate operating conditions
for your system and application.
Before the first print, you must perform an offline IR calibration. Refer to your printer’s User Guide for detailed instructions.
Offline IR Calibration
1 . Put the system in Manual Operations mode and then close and lock the print chamber door (select the material, if
needed) .
2 . Click the IR Calibration button .
Scale and Offset Print
When printing parts with DuraForm TPU Elastomer, you will need to perform at least one preliminary print to fine-tune the
default parameters and optimize them for your machine .
.Either the field engineer or the operator will print a preliminary part to verify the appropriate scale and offset parameters. For
details, see
“Calculating Scale/Offset Values” on page 4
Use parameters from the preliminary prints to print actual parts . During printing, continue to monitor the laser and heater
setpoints by checking the quality of the parts and material during breakout .
Calculating Scale/Offset Values
Refer to the
Build Setup Help
in the Build Setup software .
Refer to the
Build Setup Help
in the Build Setup software .