3 Connect ESCs to PDB
Connect the Deans connectors
(red) on the ESCs to the Deans
connectors on the power distribution
board (PDB) in any order.
Take a look at the PDB and find the
pins labelled M1 through M4
(motors 1 through 4), and make a
note of which color wire connects to
each. Now connect the three-wire
cables from each ESC to these pins
on the PDB according to the ESC
numbers. This is where the order is
critical. Connect the ESC that you
labelled as “1” to the pins on the PDB
labelled “M1”, ESC 2 to PDB pins M2,
ESC 3 to PDB pins M3, and ESC 4 to
PDB pins M4. Connect the white wire
to the signal pin (labelled “M1”), the
red wire to the power pin (labelled
“+”), and the black wire to the ground
pin (labelled “-”).
4 Connect PDB to power module
Attach the XT60 connector (yellow)
on the PDB to the XT60 connector on
the power module.