Pannoramic MIDI 1.15 User’s Guide
4 Software Description
4.5.3 Preview tab
The Preview tab offers options for threshold setting and selection of the area to be scanned.
Figure 49 – Preview tab
Use threshold
Scan specimen with auto threshold –
This automatically detects the specimen in the
preview image.
Scan specimen with user set threshold –
This sets the sensitivity of the specimen detection.
To set the desired threshold value manually, change the setting in the
Specimen threshold
selection box in the range of 0-255. The default value is 35. Smaller values result in a
more sensitive scanning, meaning that more areas will be digitized, however, this may also
include specks or other imperfections of the slide. Greater values result in a less sensitive
scanning, but it is possible that some of the smaller specimen areas will not be digitized.
March 13, 2012 - Rev 1