Installing the Enterasys Dragon Intrusion
Detection Software Onto Your System
This chapter describes how to install the Enterasys Dragon Intrusion
Detection software onto your system.
Installing the
The Enterasys™ Dragon
Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)
(Dragon) software detects network attacks by monitoring network traffic as
it passes over the IT infrastructure. Dragon Sensor analyzes the network
traffic at the protocol and application level, employing both signature and
anomaly based techniques to identify network misuse, attack, and denial of
service efforts.
To download the Dragon software onto your system, complete the following:
1 Log into your system as root.
2 Locate the file app-Dragon-x.x-x.x.x.x.7xCOS.i686.rpm
and execute the
following command:
[root@xxxxx rpm]# rpm -i app-Dragon-x.x-x.x.x.x.7xCOS.i686.rpm
You must now install the application as specified by Enterasys.
The vendor files have been copied to /usr/os/apps/Dragon.
3 Change to the /usr/os/apps/ directory, using the following command:
cd /usr/os/apps/Dragon
This directory contains the following tarball file:
Refer to the 3COM Security Switch 6200 Product Release Notes for the correct software version and rpm file name.