4: T
Running the Group 3 Test
The Group 3 test requires another PC set up as an echo
server to receive packets from the NIC being tested and
echo them back to the NIC. This echo server must have a
3C395 NIC running at 100 Mbps.
Before running the Group 3 test, connect to an inactive
network on which only the PC being tested is operating.
Running the Group 3 test while connected to
an active network can cause intermittent failures.
1 Check that the NIC is installed and connected to the
network correctly (see
Chapter 2
2 Boot the PC under DOS.
The Configuration and Diagnostic Program is a DOS
application. It must be run in DOS, not in a DOS window.
It will not run if memory managers or other device drivers
have been loaded.
3 Enter this command at the DOS prompt to start the
Configuration and Diagnostic Program:
The program must be running on the PC that contains the
NIC you want to test.
4 To set up another PC as an echo server, select
Echo Server under the Test menu and click Start.
5 From the Test menu, select Test Setup.
6 From the Group Select box, select Group 3.
7 Select Enable Group to enable the Group 3 test.
8 Select OK.
9 Go to the Run dialog box to start the test.
10 When the test is finished, end the program on the
echo server PC.
11 On the PC with the NIC that you tested, exit the
Configuration and Diagnostic Program and reboot
the PC.