3Com 3C16772 - OfficeConnect Web Site Filter Datasheet Download Page 2

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Share Internet access 

The use of Network Address
Translation (NAT) allows multiple LAN
users to share a single IP address from
an ISP. This means multiple users can
access the Internet using any modem or
router with an Ethernet connection and
low-cost Internet account.

3Com OfficeConnect Internet Firewall

The OfficeConnect Internet Firewall 25
provides Internet security for up to
25 users; and the OfficeConnect Internet
Firewall DMZ supports up to 100 users
and features a De-Militarized Zone
(DMZ) port. This is an additional port
for connecting publicly accessible
servers such as a web server. The DMZ
port is protected from Denial of Service
(DoS) hacker attacks, but can be
accessed by external Internet users
without exposing the network to attack.
This functionality is essential for organi-
zations considering e-commerce activity.

VPN upgrade

Through the purchase of this one-time
upgrade, any OfficeConnect Internet
Firewall can initiate and terminate up
to five simultaneous secure IPsec VPN
tunnels. This technology allows
straightforward office-to-office or
remote access communication over the
Internet, saving costs while enhancing

Internet Access Filtering 

Allows you to deny access to certain
web sites or allow access only to those
sites you specify. The Internet
Firewalls can track the most accessed
sites and the top users of bandwidth.
They can also log or block access to
web sites containing specified key-
words in the URL. 

3Com OfficeConnect Web Site Filter*

This provides Internet Firewalls with
extended capabilities to control Internet
access. Specify the categories of mater-
ial and the Web Site Filter provides a
list of thousands of controlled
sites—and automatically updates it
every week. Access to the sites can
either be blocked or logged. The Web
Site Filter is provided as a 12-month
subscription. Both Internet Firewalls
come with a free one-month trial.

Firewall security, logging, and alerts 

The firewalls use secure Stateful Packet
Inspection technology to deny unautho-
rized access to the LAN and prevent
Denial of Service (DoS) and hacker
attacks, including Ping of Death, SYN
Flood, LAND Attack, IP Spoofing,
Teardrop, and Bonk. Hackers may try to
use Java, ActiveX, and Cookie technolo-
gies to attack networks, so the Internet
Firewalls can either block these applica-
tions or allow them only from trusted
sites. All events can be logged, and major
security concerns can be flagged with an
instant and automatic e-mail alert. 

The 3Com
Internet Firewall


Figure 1 shows a typical configuration for the
3Com OfficeConnect Internet Firewall DMZ. The
3Com OfficeConnect Firewall 25 product uses the
same configuration but without the DMZ port.

*The 3Com OfficeConnect Web Site Filter uses the CyberNOT

list, which is licensed from The Learning Company. This list is developed and main-

tained by the The Learning Company’s Cyber Patrol unit.







(eg. Web Server)




Internet a


Protect the


from hackers

Figure 1
