digital loopback
A test that checks the modem's RS-232
interface and the cable that connects the
terminal or computer and the modem. The
modem receives data (in the form of digital
signals) from the computer or terminal, and
immediately returns the data to the screen for
digital signals
Discrete, uniform signals. In this manual, the
term refers to the binary digits 0 and 1.
Data Terminal (or Terminating) Equipment. A
computer that generates or is the final
destination of data.
Indicates a communications channel capable of
carrying signals in both directions. See half
duplex, full duplex.
Electronic Industries Association (EIA)
Group which defines electronic standards in
the U.S.
error control
Various techniques that check the reliability of
characters (parity) or blocks of data. V.42
and MNP error-control protocols use error
detection (CRC) and retransmission of flawed
frames (ARQ).
A method for transmitting the image on a page
from one point to another. Commonly referred
to as fax.