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How to configure LCR table
Let’s say we have SIM cards of two GSM operators:
The first operator (e.g. T-mobile) has the following prefixes (602, 606, 607, 723, 724) and it
requires you to dial the number from your mobile phone with the international prefix (+420).
All numbers have a nine digit length with the prefix but without the international prefix.
The second one, we may call it Vodafone, has the following prefixes (901, 902, 907, 909) and
requires you to dial the number with the prefix (420). All numbers have a nine digit length
with the prefix and without “420”.
We have to assign modules to two GSM outgoing groups (for each operator).The first step we
have to do is to place the SIM cards into the SIM holders. We will start with modules 0 using
the T-mobile operator SIM. Module 2 will follow the same procedure but using the Vodafone