Module Installation
• To install your 2hp module, locate a space with the appropriate HP in your rack for instal-
• Next, connect the module’s power cable to your power supply. The cables on this end are
keyed, though you should make sure to align the red stripes on both connectors to en-
sure safe and proper connection. Our illustration uses a flying bus cable, though the same
action applies for busboards/alternate power solutions. See the figure below for refer-
• Next, make sure your module’s power cable is properly connected to your module. For
2hp modules, confirm that your cable’s red stripe aligns with the white marker line on
the module’s PCB, just above the power header. You may notice that even though there
is only 1 row of 5 pins on your 2hp module, but 2 rows on the power cable. You can use
either row of 5 pin connectors on the cable with your module, so long as the red stripe is
properly aligned. See figure below for reference:
• Finally, mount your module to the rails
using appropriate mounting screws. Your
module is now ready to be powered on and