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Overall user manual
You will have to learn the characteristics of your wheelchair. It is most important to learn the safest methods to
develop the daily activities in accordance to your life style. Consult your medical advisor or therapist for assistance
by developing safe and effective techniques for your daily activities and your physical possibilities.
4.1 Safety Tips
Daily operations such as getting off the wheelchair, reaching and bending in wheelchair will cause change the
weight distribution and the centre of gravity of you and your wheelchair. You will need to perform these
movements and techniques as shown below.
Transferring in a wheelchair is a difficult manoeuvre. Consult your physical therapist for assistance in developing
your individual technique. The possibilities you have for making a transfer are depending on your physical
characteristics. We advise to discuss this first with your physical therapist.
However if you have sufficient body strength and you want to transfer to and from the wheelchair can you best do
this in the following manner:
To get out of the wheelchair
First of all you must make sure that your wheelchair stand as closely as possible to the place of where you want sit.
Put the castors forward and attach the brakes. Swing away the footplates and place your feet on the ground. You
are now in position to carry out the operation. Shift your weight to the front of the chair, you can use the armrests
as a support and move yourself to the place where you want sit. If necessary you can use a transfer board.
To get in:
To get in your wheelchair you need to do the same things as when you want to get out of the wheelchair, only in
reversed order.
Reaching / bending forward
Make sure that you are as close as possible to the object;
Make sure the front wheels are turned forward. If not, go forwards and then backwards to turn the wheels fully
to the front;
Engage the wheel brakes;
You can now move towards the target with caution to keep the wheelchair from falling.