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Print No.: SPR8-X01.831.01.02.02 Doc. 




Replaces: SPR8-X01.831.01.01.02


© Sieme ns AG  20 03

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Maintenance Instructions

Summary of Contents for 25

Page 1: ...ns AG 2003 The reproduction transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority Offenders will be liable for damages All rights including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model _or_ design _are_ reserved SP Maintenance Instructions ...

Page 2: ...TD All rights reserved For internal use only 8 1 Multimobil 2 5 Med Maintenance Instructions Version 6 0 Copyright SIEMENS LTD MED INDIA The reproduction transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority Offenders will be liable for damages ...

Page 3: ...ETY CHECKS 8 5 8 6 1 Daily checks 8 5 8 6 2 Monthly checks 8 5 8 7 PERFORMANCE CHECK EVERY SIX MONTHS 8 5 8 8 ALIGNING THE LIGHT FIELD TO THE RADIATION FIELD 8 6 8 8 1 Operating Sequence 8 6 8 8 2 Adjustment and Evaluation 8 6 8 9 CHECKING AND READJUSTING THE COUNTERWEIGHT 8 7 8 9 1 Movements 8 7 8 9 2 Adjustment Instructions 8 7 8 10 REMOVING THE TOP PANEL FRONT COVER AND X RAY SOURCE ASSEMBLY 8 ...

Page 4: ...h them 8 2 Replacing damaged or missing screws Before working on the open MULTIMOBIL 2 5 switch off the unit with the power switch on the control panel and unplug the power cable Before inserting or removing PC boards observe the ESD regulations Damaged or missing screws should only be replaced by steel screws having the specified tensile strength with Nickel Plating 6492 specified in the Surface ...

Page 5: ...afety features can no longer be guaranteed possible damage to electrical components formation of flammable mixtures of air and the solution vapour To disinfect surfaces we recommend common liquid solutions of aldehyde based or ampholytic surfactant based disinfectant 8 4 Product Disposal Legal regulations may contain special prescriptions concerning the disposal of this product In order to avoid e...

Page 6: ... 2 Monthly checks Check the lifting and lowering movements of the support arm Check function of locking lever and cap screw on the X ray tube Check the legibility of the labels according to those in section Location of Labels If any label requires to be replaced please notify Siemens customer service 8 7 Performance Check Every Six months Check Counterbalancing of the support arm at each position ...

Page 7: ...s lateral marking Trigger an exposure and develop the film Using a waterproof felt pen write the following data on the developed film set SID film size radiation field size 8 8 2 Adjustment and Evaluation Measure the deviations between light field edges and radiation field edges on all four sides X1 X2 Y1 Y2 as shown Determine the total deviations in the X and Y direction ignore the signs Both len...

Page 8: ...he spring tension should be adjusted for complete balancing i e If the Single Tank moves DOWN from the required position the spring tension is to be increased If it moves UP then the spring tension is to be reduced Refer adjustment instructions 8 9 2 Adjustment Instructions Adjusting the balancing of the arm Carry out the change in the pre tension of the spring tension as explained below Remove th...

Page 9: ...ned Tighten the nut 2 shown periodically using 16 17 Spanner In case of balancing problem contact Siemens Customer Service 8 10 Removing the top panel front cover and X ray source assembly 8 10 1Removing the top panel Turn off the Multimobil 2 5 disconnect the mains chord and wind the cord around the cable holder Lower the X ray source assembly to transport position Lock the Multimobil 2 5 by appl...

Page 10: ...tion Lock the Multimobil 2 5 by applying the brake Arrange some kind of soft bedding to place the front cover on Unscrew the four ornamental screws with 2 5mm allen key Grasp the cassette box and slowly pull it outside Position the front cover on a soft bedding 8 10 3Removing the X ray source assembly Turn off the Multimobil 2 5 disconnect the mains chord and wind the cord around the cable holder ...

Page 11: ...11 Replacing the single tank To replace the single tank remove it from the mobile stand as follows Move the arm system in the lowest parking position and check if the safety locking has engaged The arm cannot be moved upwards any longer Tighten the supplementry lock turning the knob Remove the single tank cover Disconnect the Single Tank connections from Control by removing snap on connections and...

Page 12: ... alignment procedure Connect the connecting cable Check coincidence of light and radiation field and make adjustment if required 8 13 Replacing the Collimator lamp Loosen the screw of the clamp which has marked for light indication on the collimator take out the defective lamp and replace it by a new lamp Do not touch the glass envelope with your bare fingers Screw down the bracket and the front p...
