ZYGO PolyTABLET with Persona
ZYGO Industries, Inc.
PO Box 1008, Portland, OR 97207-1008
U.S.A. /Canada: (800) 234-6006
TEL: (503) 684-6006 FAX: (503) 684-6011
Web site: www.zygo-usa.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Quick Start Guide for PolyTABLET with Persona
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Turn on
the power switch on the right hand side of the device face (the "O" circle). This is also the off
switch. PolyTABLET will return to where it was when it was turned off. If the Persona program is
running you are ready to start typing and talking or using phrases from the phrase bank. If you are in
another program, close it using the X in the upper right corner on the screen.
If Persona is not running, you can start Persona with the Start Programs menu or double click on the
desktop icon for Persona. (If the Start menu bar is not displayed, you can drag your finger nail or the
stylus pen to the bottom edge of the screen to bring up the Start menu. You may have to use the
keyboard, on-screen or external, to press <ctrl> + <esc> to see the Start menu.)
Talking with Persona
To begin speaking, type text into the application window. When you have the phrase on the screen,
you can speak by pressing the
key on a keyboard, or you can press the Speak button on the
top of the screen. Settings for speech output can be to speak every character, speak each word when
you press the space bar, speak each sentence when you press a punctuation mark, or speak all when
you are ready. If you are talking to someone over the phone, it is best to use the speak each word
setting to keep the listener involved in the conversation while you type. Replay the entire message for
them when you have finished the sentence.
Word prediction
will appear on the left side of the screen if it is turned on in Preferences. Press the
number next to the desired word to select a predicted word, or touch the word on the screen. If you
need to type a number from one to six, check mark the Numbers box in the word prediction window.
As you type, Persona will learn the words you use, as well as word sequences. This may save you
lots of keystrokes for words and phrases you speak often.
Phrase Bank
To select a stored message or to add a new phrase to the library, press the Phrase button on the top
of the screen. Scroll down to the phrase you want, or type the first letter of the phrase to jump to that
area of the phrases. Press
or double click on the message to speak it (or use the
when phrase is highlighted).
Add messages to the Phrase Bank that you feel you might use often. This will save you time.