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Z958 Upgrade Guide (Through an SD Card)
1. Backing Up the Data
1) Download the upgrade package.
Download the upgrade package (update.zip) that matches your device
from ZTE handset website. If the downloaded package is not update.zip,
unzip the package to obtain the file.
Ensure that your micro SD card is at least 1GB.
Verify that the update.zip file in the root directory of the SD card
matches the model of the device. Do not modify the file name and
extension name of the files in the upgrade package.
2) Back up the data and APPs in your device by using a third-party PC tool.
3) Verify that your device has enough (at least 20%) power. Charge the device
if required. To avoid data lost or upgrade failure, it is not recommended to
upgrade your device through an SD card when the device is being charged.
4) You should not perform any other operation on the device during the
upgrade process.
5) A normal upgrade should be completed in 2-3 minutes. If the device does
not reboot or show any response in three minutes, you should perform the
upgrade process again. If the device cannot be started, you should contact
ZTE Support Hotline for support.
2. Upgrade Description
There are two upgrade methods: normal upgrade and forced upgrade.
If the device cannot be started properly, for example, the device cannot be
started, or the device does not enter standby state, perform a forced upgrade.
If the device can be started properly and the
menu can be selected,
perform a normal upgrade.
3. Upgrade Steps
A. Normal upgrade (the primary upgrade method)
1) Download the upgrade package that matches the device model from ZTE
official website, extract update.zip from the package, and copy update.zip
to the root directory of the SD card (the file name must be update.zip), see
Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1