Restarting the Monitor
9650-000820-01 Rev. K
Propaq M Operator’s Guide
Electrical installation of the room or the building in which the monitor is to be used must
comply with regulations specified by the country in which the equipment is to be used.
Dispose of battery packs in accordance with national, regional and local regulations. Battery
packs should be shipped to a reclamation facility for recovery of metal and plastic
compounds as the proper method of waste management.
Restarting the Monitor
Certain events require the Propaq M products to be restarted after they shut off or become
inoperative (for example, when the battery runs down and the unit shuts off).
In such a case, always try to restore monitor operation as follows:
1. Press the power switch on the top of the unit to turn it off.
If necessary, replace a depleted battery with a fully charged pack, or connect the monitor to
auxiliary power.
Press the power switch on the top of the unit to turn it back on.
This sequence is necessary to restart the monitor and can also be used to clear some fault
messages when immediate use of the monitor is required.
If the Propaq M unit is powered off for less than 2 minutes, all patient monitoring parameter
settings will be retained. If the unit has been powered off for at least two minutes, it will be
considered a New Patient and all of the patient-specific parameters (alarm limits, etc.) will be
reset to their default values.
Notification of Adverse Events
As a health care provider, you may have responsibilities under the Safe Medical Devices Act
(SMDA), for reporting to ZOLL Medical Corporation, and possibly to the FDA, the occurrence
of certain events.
These events, described in 21 CFR Part 803, include device-related death and serious injury or
illness. In addition, as part of our Quality Assurance Program, ZOLL Medical Corporation
requests to be notified of device failures or malfunctions. This information is required to ensure
that ZOLL Medical Corporation provides only the highest quality products.