©2019 Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics
Date: 2019/01/17
User Manual
Guangzhou ZHIYUAN Electronics Co., Ltd.
ZDS2000B Series Oscilloscope User Manual
Figure 3-6: Waveform search/marking
When using the manual marking function, users can press [Mark/Clear] button at the
position of the interested waveform to mark it, and then press this button again to
delete the marking. Press the left or right navigation button to jump from one marking
position to the other.
3.2 Segmented storage funciton
The segmented storage is triggered several times in the process of acquisition, and
the sampled data for each trigger are stored in the individual segment of storage
There is no waveform appearing in the signal for a long time, and then the waveform
appears along with interference, as shown in Figure 3-7. In order to facilitate analysis
and save storage space, the segmented storage is used to record each section of
waveform under triggering conditions. After the waveform is captured, users can use
the left and right navigation buttons to perform abnormality analysis and processing
for each section of waveform.
Figure 3-7: Segmented storage application
The total memory depth is divided into n segments, as shown in Figure 3-8. The first
segment is used for display, and the second segment begins to be used for storage,
that is, the sampled data is stored in the second segment when the first triggering
occurs; after the second segment is full, the first triggering ends and users should
wait for the arrival of the second triggering; and then the sampled data is stored into
the third segment when the second triggering occurs; and so on.