Shanghai ZLAN Information Technology Co., Ltd
Tel: +86-17321037177
wants to close the old connection when the module is
restarted. (2) the local port is 0, the time of TCP rebuilding
connection is faster.
Work Mode
TCP Server(TCP Server
Mode),TCP Client(TCP
Client Mode),UDP
Mode, UDP Multicast
When set to TCP Server, the network Server needs to
actively connect the networking products; When set to TCP
Client, the networking product initiates the connection to the
network server specified by the destination IP.
Net Mask
Must be same as net mask of local LAN.
Must be the same as the local LAN gateway. If it is not
crossing outer network (such as the cable connecting
computer), it is best to set the gateway as the IP address of
the connected computer.
In the TCP Client or UDP mode, the data will be sent to the
destination IP or the computer of domain name instruction.
Dest. Port
In the TCP Client or UDP mode, the data is sent to the
destination port of the destination IP.
Baud Rate
1200, 2400, 4800, 7200,
9600, 14400, 19200,
28800, 38400, 57600,
76800, 115200, 230400,
Serial baud rate
Data Bits
5, 6, 7, 8, 9
None, Even, Odd, Mark,
Stop Bits
1, 2
Flow Control
None (no flow control),
RS232 port valid
DNS Server
When the destination computer is described by a domain
name, DNS server is required to resolve the domain name,
which specifies the IP of this DNS server. When the IP mode
is DHCP, the parameter is not specified and will be
automatically acquired.
Dest. Mode
Static, Dynamic
UDP working mode: if the destination computer is described
by a domain name, it’s best to choose the static mode; If
there are multiple computers in the LAN communicating with
networking products through UDP, it is best to choose
dynamic mode.
TCP server mode: this parameter must be dynamic.