Information available includes:
• AttLog
(10k): Shows the number of attendance logs that can be stored in the termi-
nal, for example for AttLog (10k) 12 means 10,000 x 12 = 120,000
• S
Logs: Shows the number of Scanner Logs available for the terminal.
• Manufactured Time (Manu Time): The date and time when the terminal was pro-
duced is displayed when you press Manu Time
• Serial Number of the Terminal (Serial Num): The Serial number is pasted on the back
of the terminal but in case the sticker is damaged, this is where you can retrieve the
serial number.
• Manufacturer: Get the name of the manufacturer of the terminal here.
• Device
Name: All models have different names. If you don’t know the name of the
terminal that you are having, get it here.
• Algorithm
Version: This is where you can fi nd terminal’s algorithm version.
• Firmware
Version: Support sometimes require a fi rmware version to resolve some
support issues. The version and date of the version is released is provided here. For
example: Ver 6.20 Aug 19 2009
• View
MAC: This feature is a security feature of the products. Linking Software to the
terminal requires the correct MAC address. Without availability of MAC address,
the software will not be activated correctly. All products are supplied with the cor-
rect MAC address to ease communication. This is also to hinder people from using
the software with a different hardware brand. An example of a MAC address is
00:0A:5D F1 BE 57.
Press Menu > Sys Info > Dev Info > View MAC