ZIPPER MASCHINEN GmbH www.Zipper-Maschinen.at
Intended Use
The machine must only be used for its intended purpose! Any other use is deemed to be a case of misuse.
To use the machine properly you must also observe and follow all safety regulations, the assembly
instructions, operating and maintenance instructions lay down in this manual.
All people who use and service the machine have to be acquainted with this manual and must be informed
about the machine's potential hazards.
It is also imperative to observe the accident prevention regulations in force in your area.
The same applies for the general rules of occupational health and safety.
The machine is used for:
Generating compressed air for tools operated by compressed air.
Any manipulation of the machine or its parts is a misuse, in this case
and its sales partners cannot be made liable for ANY direct or indirect damage.
Using compressed air equipment and tools
Please pay attention to the air consumption with the respective manufacturer. Check
the performance of your compressor if the power is enough!
Ambient conditions
The machine may be operated:
max. 70%
+5°С to +40°С (+41°F to +104°F)
The machine shall not be operated in areas exposed to increased fire or explosion hazard.
Prohibited use:
The operation of the machine outside the stated technical limits described in this
manual is forbidden.
The operation of the machine without provided protective devices is prohibited
Any manipulation of the machine and parts is forbidden.
The use of the machine not being suitable for the use of the machine and not being
certified is forbidden.
The operation of the machine without provided protective devices is prohibited.
The use of the machine for any purposes other than described in this user-manual
is forbidden.
The unattended operation on the machine during the working process is forbidden!
It is not allowed to leave the immediate work area during the work is being
The machine has not been designed for use in commercial, trade or industrial
applications. Use the machine only in try areas.
To aim the compressed air gun at persons is prohibited.