12.2 IODD Import
Import the IODD (device description) into the control system.
Go to our website.
Select the desired product.
Download the corresponding .zip file via the Download IODD link.
You will need the .zip file for import into the control system.
As soon as the hardware configuration is complete and the IO-Link connection to the product is established, data will be
displayed in the process input data.
Some control systems demand a byte swap to bring this process data into a logical sequence.
Look at bit 6 (GripperPLCActive) in the StatusWord to determine whether a byte swap is necessary.
Determine whether bit 6 is active in the first or second byte of the StatusWord.
Bit 6 is active in the first byte: The bytes already have the correct sequence.
Continue with the commissioning.
Bit 6 is active in the second byte.
Apply a byte swap, refer to the "StatusWord" section.
The product is controlled via IO-Link by means of the cyclical process data as well as the acyclic service data with
a cycle time of 5 ms.
It is mandatory to verify the process data!
12.3 Handshake Data Transfer Method
The handshake method makes it possible to transfer the process data about the product. All process data described in the
following sections must be transferred with the handshake.
Send the ControlWord = 0x0001 to the product.
The data transfer was started.
Check the response of the product by using Statusbit 12 = TRUE (data transfer OK).
Send the ControlWord = 0x0000 to stop the data transfer.
The data transmission is complete when the product sends back Statusbit 12 = DataTransferOK = FALSE.
For examples, refer to the "Quickstart Basic Parameters" section.
DDOC01113 / c
EN / 2022-11-16
Zimmer GmbH • Im Salmenkopf 5 •
77866 Rheinau, Germany •
+49 7844 9138 0 • www.zimmer-group.com