14 / 53
mount on 35 mm mounting rail according to EN 60715
wall-mount with 3 x screws M4
connecting wires refer to the connection plan to prevent miss-operation and malfunction.
Detailed description
7.1 Pav,e - monitoring
With Pav,e - monitoring by the EFR4001IP, it is possible to connect more generation capacity than is
permissible for the grid connection point. Pav,e - monitoring serves as a feed-in limitation. The permissible
active feed-in power Pav,e must be at least 60% of the installed active power Pinst of all generating plants.
. Pav,e = 100 kW →Pinst,max 166,7kW
In the past, full feeding plants were often designed with the maximum permissible feed-in power. Until now,
this has meant that no further own-consumption plants could be added. In Germany, the new VDE-AR-N
4105: 2018-11 allows that under certain conditions the installed generation capacity exceeds the permissible
maximum power that may be fed into the grid. To do this, the operator of the plant must ensure that the
approved feed-in power is not exceeded. This can be done by consuming the surplus power or by reducing it.
7.2 Optimization of the internal consumption of self-generated energy
The EFR4001IP measures the flow of energy in all 3 phases. If there is enough own power left, the
EFR4001IP switches on up to three consumers and ensures that the current is consumed in-house. Potential
consumers are, for example, air conditioning systems, hot water production or battery charging devices along
with washing machines, dryers, etc... This is relatively easy if a PV system is feeding-in at a regular rate
under clear skies and consumers with constant power consumption such as heat pumps or heating elements
are connected. Consumers are particularly suitable that consume a lot of energy and which can be connected
often, e.g. hot water generation. It is more complicated if the infeed varies due to clouds in front of the sun,
and consumers do not continuously consume power such as washing machines, dryers, irons or cookers.
With the analogue output a consumer can be continuously controlled and thus the internal consumption can
be further optimized. When using phase-angle controllers, the requirements of the network operators need to
be observed.
The EFR4001IP makes it possible to optimize the internal consumption even under difficult conditions.
To accomplish that, the following parameters can be set:
Power consumption of the connected consumers
Operating points. At which energy flow are the consumers switched on
Switch-on delay of the consumers. Short reduction of consumption (also through clocked consumers)
or peaks in the infeed do not immediately lead to switching in additional consumers
Minimum start up time. Heat pumps must not be continuously turned on and off, washing machines
should be able to conclude a washing cycle.
Turn-off delay. Short consumption peaks or reduction at the infeed do not immediately lead to a
consumer being switched off.
Reset point. At which energy flow are the consumers switched off again. In practice, this value usually
lies slightly on the "power delivery" side.
Hide inputs to consumers if they are not available, e.g. hot water boiler has reached the maximum
The power is always evaluated and displayed as seen from power meter:
Delivery (draw=import=purchase) from energy supplier is positive, the power fed into the grid reduces the
electricity invoice and is therefore negative (- sign).