Trouble Shooting
LCD Indication
The LCD information of the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi can help with
troubleshooting as follows:
11:20 04/11/2014
The ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi cannot obtain IP from router,
please check the Ethernet cable or the router.
Total INV:05
Online INV:03
Two inverters connected to the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi are
not being monitored. Check whether the RS485 cable is
normally connected or restart the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi.
WAN Abnornal
Check Network
The ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi cannot be connected with
ZeverCloud. Please check the connection between the
ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi and the Internet.
INV SN. Empty
The inverter connected to the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi has
no serial number. Please contact our after-sales service
INV SN. Invalid
More than one connected inverter has the same serial
number. Please contact our after-sales service personnel.
INV SN. Space
The serial number of the inverter connected to the
ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi is blank. Please contact our after-
sales service personnel.
Non-existent SN.
Confirm whether the SN on the label of ZeverCom/ZeverCom
WiFi is the same as that displayed in the built-in Web server. If
not, please contact our after-sales service personnel.
The ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi has not been added to your PV
plant in ZeverCloud. Please add the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi
into your plan as described in section 7.4.
The IP address shown in
the ZeverCom/ZeverCom
WiFi is not in the same
network segment as the
IP address distributed by
the router.
1. Confirm whether the Internet cable connection between the
ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi and the router is normal.
2. Confirm whether the DHCP of the Router is activated.
3. Restart the ZeverCom/ZeverCom WiFi.
The time displayed on the
LCD of the
WiFi is incorrect.
Adjust the time zone of PV plant in ZeverCloud to the time
zone you are in.