LAP-F1 Logic Analyzer
User Guide v1.6
default option.
By Timestamp
Each column in the export file contains data for one
Data to Export
All channels and buses
Export channel, bus and protocol decoder data.
All buses (excl. channels) Export bus and protocol decoder data.
Buses with PD (incl.
Export protocol decoder data (channel data included).
Buses with PD (excl.
Export protocol decoder data (channel data not included).
Data Selection
All Data
Export all data.
Show changes in state
Export data for timestamp X only if at least one signal has
changed state from timestamp X-1 to timestamp X.
Show changes in data
Export data for timestamp X only if at least one data has
changed state from timestamp X-1 to timestamp X (for buses
Bus Selection
Select buses to be included in the export file.
From, To
Select the range for the data to be exported; the measure for
the range is time.
Limit the number of lines
per export file
Limit the size of exported files; if there are data don’t fit on the
amount of lines selected by the user then multiple files will be
Open file automatically
after exporting
Open the exported file once it is ready; activated by default.
Use tabs to separate data
When selected, blank spaces in the export file are replaced by
tabs; this increases the writing by up to 50%; selected by
Table 4:1 Export Waveform dialog box description
To export a waveform, the temporary acquisition file must be processed;
see note in chapter 4.6 for details.