LAP-F1 Logic Analyzer
User Guide v1.6
| www.zeroplus.com.tw
Acquisitions are stored as temporary files that are instantly available to the
user for most software functions. These temporary acquisition files need
to be processed before they can be saved.
Since file processing slows down the software, users can choose not to
process the temporary acquisition files automatically. If chosen, users who
try to save a file (or initiate certain other functions) will be informed that
the acquired data needs to be processed to proceed. This setting is
accessed under General in the Options dialog box as “Automatically
process acquired data (NB: Slower)” shown in Figure 4-7.
Users can choose between three types of exports: Waveform, Packet List or Memory
View. The characteristics of each type are presented below.
This chapter treats the export of waveforms; please refer to chapter 4.47.1 for more
details on the Waveform View itself. The Export Waveform dialog box is shown in