The LCD comprises two lines of 16 characters, and shows various screens and information.
Numeric Keys
The numeric keys (0 - 9) are used for entering numerical data (e.g. channel number, manual levels, DMX addresses
Star Key
The function of the star key * is not yet defined.
Hash Key
The Hash key # is used to toggle the channel level between 0% and 100% in Manual Control or Edit memory.
Cursor Keys
The cursor keys are used to scroll across menus, select options from a defined range, or increase or decrease the
value in a selected field.
The Up and Right keys are functionally identical. The Down and Left keys are functionally identical.
Enter Key
The Enter key ENT is used to confirm numeric data entry, move down menu structures, confirm operations etc.
Escape Key
The Escape key ESC is used to escape from the current menu to the menu level above.
Default Screens
Shortly after the dimmer is powered up, and after a period of 30 seconds of the user interface not being used, the
default screen is shown on the LCD.
There are three different default screens that will be shown, depending on the current mode and state of the dimmer.
These are Standard Mode, ChilliNet Mode, and Alarm State, and are described as follows:
Zero 88 - Chilli Pro - Page 13 of 60
Printed: 23/03/2021 09:13:40 ES