Zenith A32B41 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание A32B41

Страница 1: ...machine numbers I A27B41 I A32B41 I A32B84 A36B41 operating guide warranty ...

Страница 2: ...e National ELectric Code U S A Thecodeprovides guidelinesfor propergrounding and in particular specifiesthat the cable groundshaUbe connectedto the groundingsystemof the building ascloseto the point of the cabLeentry aspracticaL REGULATORY INFORMATION This equipment hasbeentested andfoundtocomplywiththelimits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 oftheFCCRuLes These Limits aredesigned t...

Страница 3: ...you are using an antenna and no other equipment go to page 4 _u mj This pagewill direct you to which page to go to for properhook up of your Entertainment Machine J If you have cable and no other equipment go to page 5 CabLeTV waU jack Zn 0 _bl bo_ _ Emm FAIIIlUIUIlll Rurn viva lUll l LYe1_ If you are usingan antenna and havea VCR go to page 6 Ifyou have cable and a VCR go to page 7 Cabtebox _ 11j...

Страница 4: ... Remember when screwing RF cables onto jacks clockwise tight ens end counterclockwise loosens A 300 to 75 ohmadapter is not induded withyour Zenith EntertmnmentMachine Antenna TVbackpanet expandedview Antenna Cable 75 OHMRFCABLE 300 TO 75 OHH ADAPTER The wirethat comesfroman off air antenna or cable serviceprovider Eachend looksUke a hexshapednut with a wire stickingthrough the middle and it screw...

Страница 5: ...nels Remember when screwing RFcob_ ontojacks c_Jow se tightens and counterclockwise loosens Zfyou reusing a cable box Aut_ Program pageI0 mighton y find the channel your cable service ison usuogy channel3 or_ Don tworry that sallyou need Without CabLeBox Cablei V wall jack re 75ohm TV back panel _ expanded view Antenna Cab_ With CabLeBox Cable TV wall jack ou _ _ _ _ _ _Jlll W back panel _ RFc axi...

Страница 6: ...EntertainmentMachine Remember whenscrewing RFcablesontojacks clockwise tightens and counterclockwise loosens Use iqdeosources for better pictureand sound WithoutA V cables VCRs wiU not play videocossettes in stereo sound VCR with Fiat Wire Antenna Adapter m FLatwire T 300 ohm _ VCRback 300 75 ohm Adapter W backpane expanded view Antenna _ cab_ k V cables notincluded withTV VCR with Round Antenna W...

Страница 7: ...g inRF cables onto jacks clockwise fight ens andcounterclockvn se loosens Use V_deo sources for better picture and sound No_ cables ore included with your Zenith Entertainment Machine WithoutA V cables VCRs will not play videocossettes in stereosound Without Cable Box Cable N _a_dc Roundw_re 75ohm F oaxiaLwire _l with TV _ cables With CabLeBox CableW waUjack _ gable box I In Ou _ ou_ut F s_dtch 3 ...

Страница 8: ...backof your TV Findthe audioand S Video jacks on the back of your S VHSVCR and connectthem foLLowing the instructions pro vided with your equipment DVD Player SimpLy connectthe S Video Audioout on the DVDto the S VHS1 R LAudio or S VHS2 R LAudioIn on the TV UseVidoo sourms Jbrbetter pi_bureandsound _ Touse _ pr p go to the SourceMenu page30 and choose thejockyou ve connected your E VH VH I 2 as th...

Страница 9: ...wilt need Getthe bestsound possible fromyour Entertainment Hach e Locatethe jacks marked Variab eOut Theseare for the stereosystem Connectthe stereosystem scabtes accord ing to their color red is the fight channe white the eft to theseja_s Thesewiresshouldbe included w_ your stereo system S VkJeoI Vkleo 1 _ F i Stereo System A V cables not included w_thW R LAudio Input J 3375 0 ...

Страница 10: ...rrowto reach the Auto Programscreen Using the UP DOWNarrows chooseeither CableTVor Off Air Antennaon your screen Note The option that is blinking and appearsin white is setected Pressa RIGHTor LEFTarrowto begin Auto Program PressENTER or QUIT to returnto TV viewing Note AutoProgram _inrb channels beingreceivedbythe 11 Tun_ See infonnation on page 14for using the CableBoxor VCR Tuners Tocustomize y...

Страница 11: ...moreinformation Keysdedicatedto VCR _unctions wigstill operate your VCRwhilethe remote is in 111 mode INEL ENTER remo_ control part number MBR3458 tz4 21z sl TurnsTV Onor Off INDICATOR LIGHT Lightswhen keys are pressed fAUX TV SeLects remoteoperating mode MUTE TurnssoundOff and On whilethe picture remains Pressonce to quiet sound press againto mute pressagain to restore sound ILUME LEFT RIGHT Adju...

Страница 12: ...on once to get the other menus keep pressing the MENUbutton Choosethe function youwish to changeusing the SELECT button The AD3USTbuttons act asan adjustment Left Right func tion Typical 6 Button TV Front Panel _ 4 VOLUME Henusdisoppearafter _e seconds Toget them back pushthe MENU button ogoin If you ve lostyour remote you can get a new replocement by cutUng 1 800255 6790 to purchaseo replocement ...

Страница 13: ...a information data aboutthe program Thisdata see example appears onyourTVscreen when you press ENTER if the channel hasXDS Date Channel Time Audio Display shownwith PIPdisplay if PIP is on TitLe of Program Length of Program in hours and minutes Time Remaining in hours and minutes ShowingXDS Date SeLect a channel PressENTER to displayXDSdata if available XDSChanne labels XDScan providea channe labe...

Страница 14: ...SURF Switches between the primary channel seLect ionand your cus tomized surf channel setecUons The surf mode icon wit appear in the tower right corner of the screen when you change channels Press SURF to turn surf On press again to turn surf mode Off This is whilethesource issettoAntenna Cab_ Foranyother sour_ such asa VCR the t4ain Picture channelchanging wit becontrolled bythat equipment mm VoL...

Страница 15: ...meshasan advantage too especiaLLyif your cable providerrequiresyou to use their cable boxto descrambletheir stations Helpon comMning your Entertainment Machine with more equipment J mmMm Basedon the advantagesListed above decidewhat deviceyou want to use asthe tuner Connect the antenna or cablesource to the input of your tuner If you choseyour television asthe tuner then you re done Gowatch your E...

Страница 16: ...Language you want your on screen menus to appear in Turns the background for on screen menus transparent or opaque Goes beyond basics and customizes your Entertainment Machine s functions ProgBms a time for your Entertainment Machine to turn itseff on or off or to turn itself off after a certain amount of time LabeLsyour channeLs with their network names ABC CBS HBO etc Affows parents to block any...

Страница 17: ...ePref ControLs the sizeand appearanceof the PIP inset Youroptionsare CoLor Tint Size Chooses from the avaiLabLe sources for both the main pictureand PTP 28 29 30 31 J Channel lime Audio Display PIP Channe Audio Source VoLume Msplay XDSMsplay Showsthe current time channel videoand audio source and the Surfstatus If present indicates PIP is on Shows with PIP on the sourcesoundis comingfrom main or P...

Страница 18: ...ect another charmer and repeat step 4 If you are finished press ENTERor QUIT to return to TV viewing I fyou deletea channe it isn t gonefor good 3ustselect it usingthe NUMBER keypad on the remote or odd it Inter PressSURF with Su_ activ_ you can usechannel up downto scroll the Su_ channel lisL Press SURF again to returnto normalchannel scan 0 ADD DELETE SURF This function lets you add new channels...

Страница 19: ...s SELECT the Month Date or Year Usethe UP DOWNarrowsto changethe Month Date or Year Onceyou have set the correct year pressthe RTGHT arrow then use an UP DOWNarrow key to select CLockSet Pressa P IGHT or LEFTarrow key to adjust the time Press the TIMERkeyto seLectAM or PM PressENTER or QUIT to return to TV viewing Youcon use the NUMBER key pod to simplytype in the time ond dote AM end PMore stiU s...

Страница 20: ...he remotecontrol select Captions Pressa RIGHT LEFT arrowto chooseany of the following opUons On Off or Captions When Muted PressENTER or QUITto returnto TV viewing Press CC Wto turnscopffonsOn Off orselectCopffons When Muted _pffons comein handy whenthe television is on mute Not all programminghasdosed captioningor text avoilabl 3375 0 ...

Страница 21: ...n 2 CapUon3 Caption4 Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 or Text 4 PressENTER or QU1Tto returnto W viewing Captions comein handy whenthe television is onmut_ Standardclosedcaptioningis avai_ble usingthe Ception I Option Not oUprogramming has dosed coptioningor text available even though Captions 1 2 3 4 and Text1 2 3 and 4 are available for use to the broodcaster Tumondosed captioningor text that appearsat the b...

Страница 22: ... MENU Press the MENUkey on the remote controlso the Setup menu appears Usingthe UP DOWN arrowson the remote control select Language on yourscreen Pressa RIGHT LEFT arrowto chooseany of the following opUons EngLish Spanishor French PressENTER or QUITto returnto TVviewing 0 I J 3375 0 ...

Страница 23: ...he remote control so the Setup menu appears Usingthe UP DOWNarrowson the remote contro select Background on your screen Press a RIGHT LEIrfarrowto chooseOn or Off Press ENTER or QUITto return to regutarTV viewing 0 Adda background to the on scTeell menus J J 3375 0 ...

Страница 24: ...At this point continueto step five to set the OnTime or press ENTER or QUITto return to TVviewing On Time Using the UP DOWN arrowson the remotecontrol se ect OnTimeon your screen Press a RIGHTor LEFTarrowor use the NUMBER key pad to enter the time your TVwit automaticatty turn on Pressthe TIMERbutton to select AM or PM Pressthe UP DOWNarrowsto select On Off Timer Press the LEFTor RIGHTarrowto turn...

Страница 25: ...resmenu appears Usingthe UP DOWNkeys select Ch Labelsin the menu Use a RIGHT LEFT arrow to select a channellabel Each presswill bring up a different label PressENTER to accept the label and return to regularTVviewing NOTE The label indicates that your TVwill accept the original broad cast label and None will blockall labeling Labdthe channels for the Channel Time Display J J 3375 0 ...

Страница 26: ...se UP DOWNand RIGHT LEFT arrowsfor the following Choose Block Video Usethe RIGHT LEFT arrowsto Blockor Unbtockthe A V inputs Choose Set Hours Usethe RIGHT LEFT arrowsto increase decrease the hours parentalControl wilt be active Choose Set Password A display will appear on the screen prompting you to enter a code Use the Number Keypad enter a four number code You wit be asked to reenter the same co...

Страница 27: ...ears Usingthe UP DOWNarrowson the remote controL select Auto Demoon your screen Pressa RIGHT LEFT arrow to chooseOnor Off Press ENTER or QUITto return to regularTVviewing AutoDemo wiaoontinue to operate untilit istumerlOMin theSpedol Features menu 0 Your entertainment machinewitt show you all your menuoptions J J 3375 0 ...

Страница 28: ... channet Audio Node Choosefrom stereo sound mono SEQ or SAP Front Sun Turn the front surroundsound speakerson or off SoundRfte Scansfor changesin soundteve during commercials then adjuststhe sound to match your current eve Speakers Turnthe regular speakers on or off Pressa RIGHT LEFT arrowto changethe option you have se ectedor adjustthe soundsetting to whateveryou prefer PressENTER or QUiTto retu...

Страница 29: ...aiseor tower the definition of the picture The towerthe leveL the softer the image wiLL appear Cotor Temp Adjust the colorquatities of the entire picture at once warm medium and cooL Picture Pref Chooseeither Custom or Preset Custom aLLows you to set the picture the wayyou want Preset moves all the above optionsbackto their original fiacto y setrevels Pressa RIGHT I_EFT arrowto adjust the option y...

Страница 30: ...Ukey repeatedtyuntil the PIP Menuappears Usingthe UP DOWNarrows select the PIP option you want to change CoLor Size or Tint Use a RIGHT LEFT arrowto changethe opUon Press ENTER to return to regular TV viewing mm _ Ill PIP Thisis the most commonway to refer to the Picture In Picture PIP option 3374 0 ...

Страница 31: ... or PIP inset The nameswiUcorrespondto the jacks on the back of your TV If you connecteda VCRto the Video I jacks then setectVideo 1 to watch that VCR f_ L F PressENTER to return to regularTVview ing Choose the sources for your main picture and PIP J You canwatchhome moviesand stiltscan for the biggame J SOURCE The term for the equipmentthat providesaudio and video informationto your Entertainment...

Страница 32: ...creen source to Antenna Cab l then set the PIP source to Antenna Cab l as an examp This can be adjusted under the Source menu see page 31 PIP can be usedin any picture mode PutAntenna Cab in the inset while you watch a tape Attachedto Video 1 havea DVD discgoing in the PEPinset white you watch a tape on the main screen Picture in Picture HainPicture POSSIBLEREASONSFORADJUSTING PIP SOURCE 1 You wan...

Страница 33: ... showswhich audiois being heard PIP Swap Use Up Down arrowsto flip PIP image with main picture ChanneLs PressCHANNEL Up Down to change channeLsin the PIP inset if the sourcefor the PIPinset is Antenna Cab e If the sourceis other equipmentcon nected to the V deo1 or Video 2 jacks tune channelson that equipment PIP Inset Video Source Press TV VCRSOURCE to switchvideo sourcesfor the PIPinset between ...

Страница 34: ...eany input source for the PIP i _ _ inset that is connecEed to the 1 oonnec I tionspaneL Antenna Cable Video I or I Video2 I Note Zf you used the S Video1 or the S VideoZ input S VHS1 orS VHS2 wit _ appearasavailablesources insteadof Video 1 or Video2 I If no equipment is connected to a source you select_or the PIP inset or if it is turned0_ the PIP inset wiUbe bE_ck Camcorder VCR S VideoVCR DVDPl...

Страница 35: ... on page 39 40 PressENTER to savethe code The indi cator light wit flash 3 times then turn off to indicate the code is valid Aim the remote at the deviceand push the POWER key It shouldturn off If not try the other codesUstedand con tinue from step three Note To reset remote to factory set tings enter 9 1 1 in step 5 Programming your Zenith remote wiUallowyou to use oneremote to workup to 7 differ...

Страница 36: ... remote Theindicator Light _LL flash three times if code is accepted Audiosystemvolume mute now appearsin the mode selected Note Youcan alsoprogramCable BoxVolumeand lute control if available into your cable boxmode CABLEor AUXmode by repeating the stepsfor programmingon the previouspage but entering 3 g 9 instead of a brandcode then press ing ENTER Toput everythingbackt_ normal reprogram the mode...

Страница 37: ...ou vesetected PressENTER to save the code With the deviceturned on point the remote at it and press POWER It shoutdturn off Repeat the steps for AUX 2 and AUX 3 Programming your Zenith remote wig agowyou to useone remote to workup to 7 diJ_erent products or device_ Somedevicesmay not workwith your Zenith remotecontroL 0 Control up to seven different deviceswith your remo m J J AUX AuxiUary equipme...

Страница 38: ...essthe ENTER key fight away Aim the remote at the correct deviceand pushthe POWER key Theindicator tight will turn off whitethe POWER key is pressed ALLow a secondto pass then pushthe POWER key again Repeat until the deviceturns off PushENTER to savethe code The indicator tight wiLL flash 3 times andthen turn off PressPOWER to turn the device backon Youcan quicklyget out o fAuto FindbypressingPRG ...

Страница 39: ...ymphonicW VCR 154 Tatung 106 Teknika 103 112 121 124 139 Te erent 103 121 Toshiba 110 111 134 171 XR 1000 l_ 121 Yorx 11g Zenith 101 149 175 Zenith W VCR 153 154 172 End thecodes you need to programyour remote On this page TVs and VCRs J Admiral 208 261 General Elect_c 214 216 220 NEC 202 218 Sharp 208 261 Adventura 231 Go dstar 209 Orion 250 Shintom 239 Aiwa 231 Go Video 256 262 263 Panasonic 214...

Страница 40: ...355 372 Zenith 301 353 374 Zenith SateUite 312 328 330 351 378 Pioneer 402 403 Sanyo 401 Sony 404 Zenith 401 Akai 409 424 434 RadioShack 431 436 439 44O 441 Crown 410 MitsubisM 423 424 RCA 437 Denon 411 NAD 425 426 447 Sanyo 438 439 Fisher 412 438 Nakamichi 427 428 Scott 640 Go dstar 460 NEC 429 Sharp 441 442 Harman Kardon 413 Onkyo 430 Sony 443 444 445 JVC 415 Panasonic 431 432 Soundesign 461 498...

Страница 41: ...6P 7 W Digit 7 VCRDigit 7 Cable Digit 7 AUXDigit 7 8 TV Digit 8 VCRDigit 8 Cable Digit 8 AUXDigit 8 9 W Digit 9 VCRDigit g Cable Digit 9 AUXDigit g 0 TV Digit 0 VCRDigit 0 CableDigit 0 AUXDigit 0 ENTER W Enter VCREnter Cable Enter AuxDisplay MENU TV Menu VCRMenu CableMenu AUXProgram UP ARROW TV Select Up VCRSelect Up CableUp Arrow AUXPart DOWN ARROW TV Select Dn VCRSelect Dn Cable DnArrow AUXRando...

Страница 42: ...I_ 1 Iill _llllllM_ lll Illl I 1 Usea soft clothwith a mild soapsolution to wipe the cabinet avoid usingany cleanerthat says industrial strength or will washthe white off of rice on the labeL _ 2 Rinsethe cloth andwipe the cabinet again 3 Letthe cabinetair drybeforeturning the EntertainmentMachineon mJm Usea quality woodcleanerandpoEsh Thiswill protectthe Entertainment Machinefromdirt anddust as w...

Страница 43: ...channel 3 or 4 Checkthat all connectionsare tight No picture and no sound The thing is just DEAD s the ACpowerpluggedin Check that yourACpower outlet works Testit by pluggingin something else or try another plug Makesureyour brightness and audio controlsare set property Try another channel The problemmay be with the broadcast No color but the sound is O K Check the color controlin the Video menu T...

Страница 44: ...he settings are correct The PXPinset is btack or tacks contrast when VXDEO1 is the PXPsource You might want to adjust the PIP picture settings under the PIP menu Check that aU the wires are connected property PIP source turned on The PXPinset is snow when the sourceis Antenna Cab e Video 1 or Video 2 Look to seeif the W CR button on your VCRhas the W setected There is no picture in the PIP inset w...

Страница 45: ...ookingup optionalequipmentthat givesyou access to thep Internet through yourTV Thisfunction lets you removechannels that you don twatchfrom the Est youll scroll through A smaUpictureon yourscreen that representsa function or menu item Refers to thejackthat receives a signal intothe TV VCR orother A Vdevice A connectionon the backof a TV VCR or anyotherA V device Thisincludesthe RFjack that is thre...

Страница 46: ...to audioin anotherlanguage suchasSpanish or French Picture andsoundtravelingthrough cable or on the air to your televisionscreen The term for the equipmentthat provides audioandvideo information to yourEntertainment Machine VCR DVDplayers or CabLe Boxesareexamplesof sources Stereo Stereophonic soundrefersto audiothat s dividedinto right andteft sides The surffunctioncreatesa speciattist of yourfa_...

Страница 47: ...l LabeLs 25 Channel Search Auto Program 10 CLock Set lg DVD PLayer 8 ExternaLStereo 9 Front PaneLDiagram 12 GLossary 45 46 Hook UpDirectory 3 FEATURE PAGE 2ack Pack 6 LanguageMenu 22 Maintenance 43 44 On ScreenMenus 1G Picture in Picture 32 34 PIP 33 34 PIP Menu 30 Programming Codes 39 40 RemoteControL Diagram 11 SafetyInformation 2 SerialNumber 2 SuperVHSVCR 8 Surf 18 Timer 24 TroubLeshooting 43 ...

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Страница 49: ...porary black fimsh compLe ments any room cvsooo ONLY 224 95 u_ SHIPPING J_ HANDUNG REPLACEMENTREMOTE Broken or Lost remote Perhaps you would just Like the convenience of having a second remote on hand Order your replacement remote controL direct from Zenith To ensure that you receive the cor rect remote have your teLewsion s modeL number ready when you calL ONLY 3g 95 us SHIPPING HANDLING Q zenith...

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Страница 52: ...t and how to adjust the customercontrols Modelsunder21 diagonal U S A screensizemust be taken to a Zenith authorizedservice center for warrantyservice and must be picked up by the owner Receptionproblemscausedby inadequate home antenna or faulty antenna connections are the owners responsibility ProductRegistration Please flu out and mai your ProductRegistTation Card It is imperative that Zenith kn...
