Enter/Exit Programming Mode
Scan this barcode to enter the set-up and exit
after set-up is finished. The LED would remain
red when in programming mode.
Display firmware version
Show the current firmware version on the host
Return to PC/AT default
This barcode allows setting as keyboard
wedge interface for IBM PC AT/PS/2 and
Return to RS-232 default
The RS-232C interface scanner is often used
when connecting to the serial port of a PC or
Return to USB default
Reading of “Return to USB default” sets the
device into USB interface support.
Reset (Return to Factory Default)
Reading of “Reset” barcode label turns all
parameters back to default values, and the
scanner remains in the last interface set when it is
* Since the scanner has a large scan volume and multiple scan lines, it is suggested to fold this
page according to the dotted line so you can easily present the desired barcode to the scanner.
* The scanner must be properly powered before programming. It would acknowledge a good and
valid reading with a short beep.
* For more set-up selections, please refer to Programming Guide in the CD-ROM in the
Folding Line
Folding Line
Ver. 1.1
P/N: 593-66182E-201
Important Notice
No warranty of any kind is made in regard to this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose. We are not liable for any errors contained herein or incidental or consequential damages in connection with furnishing,
performance or use of this material.
Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved.
Laser Safety
The laser scanner complies with safety standard IEC 60825-1 for a Class I laser produce. It also complies with CDRH as applicable to a Class
IIa laser product.
Avoid long term staring into direct laser light.
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous
radiation exposure.
Folding Line