User Manual 3PH HYD5000-HYD20000-ZSS
Rev. 1.1 16/03/2021
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1. of 16/03/2021 - Application: GID
Measuring the photovoltaic production
If there is already one or more photovoltaic inverters in the system, it is possible to have the
hybrid system display not only the photovoltaic contribution of the panels connected to its inputs
but also the power produced by external photovoltaic panels.
This is achieved by connecting a second Meter in a suitable position that allows reading the entire
production of the photovoltaic system (excluding that of the hybrid three-phase inverter).
As for the RS485 communication (Meter - HYD), all the meters present must be connected to the
COM port of the inverter in inputs 5 and 6 of the interface).
Figure 72 - Installation diagram of Hybrid with Meter on exchange and production
Figure 73 - Connection of serial port with more than one meter