User Manual 3PH HYD5000-HYD20000-ZSS
Rev. 1.1 16/03/2021
Identification: MD-AL-GI-00
Rev. 1. of 16/03/2021 - Application: GID
Installation with double battery tower
Figure 30 - Double battery tower
Power connections
The power cables in each tower between the battery modules and the BMS must be connected as
indicated in section 2.1.1.
As for the connection between each tower and the inverter, the two power cables (+ and -) coming
from the BMS will be connected to the two inputs of the inverter: BAT1 and BAT2.
Figure 31 - Inverter-side DC power connection with two battery inputs populated
Identify the two battery towers by assigning the number 1 to the tower connected to channel 1 and
number 2 to the tower connected to channel 2.