Zanussi ZGG 643 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1






ZGG 643
ZGG 646



Gas hob

Содержание ZGG 643

Страница 1: ...Газовая варочная панель Руководство пользователя ZGG 643 ZGG 646 Operating instuctions Gas hob ...

Страница 2: ...e The Electrolux ambition is to offer a wide variety of quality products that make your life more comfortable You find some examples on the cover in this manual Please take a few minutes to study this manual so that you can take advantage of the benefits of your new machine We promise that it will provide a superior User Experience delivering Ease of Mind Good luck ...

Страница 3: ...s Step by step instructions for an operation Hints and Tips Environmental Information Contents Instructions for the User Important Safety Information 4 Description of the Hob 6 Operation 7 Maintenance and Cleaning 9 Something Not Working 11 Service and original spare parts 22 Instructions for the Installer Engineers Technical Data 12 Gas Connection 14 Electrical Connection 16 Adaptation to differe...

Страница 4: ...e ensurethatelectriccables arenotincontactwithitandkeepthemfarenoughfromtheheatedpartsofthisappliance Iftheapplianceisoutoforder disconnectitfromtheelectricsupply Child Safety Thisapplianceisnotintendedforusebychildrenorotherpersonswhosephysical sensoryormental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge prevents them from using the appliance safely withoutsupervisionorinstructionbyaresponsib...

Страница 5: ...mtheappliance ensurethatitisnotdamagedandtheelectric cableisinperfectconditions Otherwise contactyourdealerbeforeproceedingwiththeinstallation Disconnecttheappliancefromtheelectricalsupply beforecarryingoutanycleaningormanteinance work Thisappliancecannotbecleanedwith steamorwithasteamcleaningmachine The residual heat indicator comes on when the cooking zone is switched on Children should be kepta...

Страница 6: ...Information Afterinstallation pleasedisposeofthepackagingwithdueregardtosafetyandtheenvironment Whendisposingofanoldappliance makeitunusable bycuttingoffthecable Thesymbol ontheproductoronitspackagingindicatesthatthisproductmaynotbetreated ashouseholdwaste Insteaditshallbehandedovertotheapplicablecollectionpointfortherecycling ofelectricalandelectronicequipment Byensuringthisproductisdisposedofcor...

Страница 7: ... relevant knob down and turn it anti clockwise until it reaches the maximum position When switching on the mains after installation or a power cut it is quite normal for the spark generator to be activated automatically Operation Fig 1 A Burner cap B Burner crown C Ignitionelectrode D Thermocouple INSTALLATION Any gas installation must be carried out by qualified personnel and in accordance with e...

Страница 8: iron plates is inadvisable Also do not use aluminium foil to protect the top during use Make sure pots do not protrude over the edges of the cooktop and that they are centrally positioned on the rings in order to obtain lower gas consumption Do not place unstable or deformed pots on the rings they could tip over or spill their contents causing accidents Pots must not enter the control zone If t...

Страница 9: ...e effect Special cleaning agents and ceramic hob scrapers are available from department stores Slight non burnt soilage can be wiped off with a damp cloth Burnt soilage has to be removed with a scraper Afterwards wipe off the ceramic hob with a damp cloth Light metallic stains aluminium residues can be removed from the cooking zone with a ceramic hob cleaning agent such as Vitroclen when cool Suga...

Страница 10: ...n melt away from the cooking surface e g plastics aluminiumfoil Careshouldbetakenwhenpreparingfoodordrinkscontainingsugar Ifanythingofthisnature accidentallycomesintocontactwiththeceramicsurfaceitmustbescrapedoffimmediately while stlll hot and wiped away to avoid damage to the surface The burners The burner caps and crowns can be removed for cleaning Wash the burners taps and crowns using hot soap...

Страница 11: ...nevenly SOLUTION Check that the unit is plugged in and the electrical supply is switched on Check that the general safety switch has not tripped if fitted Check the mains fuse has not blown Check the burner cap and crown have been replaced correctly e g after cleaning Check the main jet is not blocked and the burner crown is clear of food particles Check the burner cap and crown have been replaced...

Страница 12: ... right hand corner Electric 230 V 50 Hz supply 3 core flexible cable HEAT INPUT Rear Left Burner 1 9 kW semi rapid Front Left Burner 2 9 kW Natural gas rapid 2 7 kW Liquid gas Rear Right Burner 1 9 kW semi rapid Front Right Burner 1 0 kW auxiliary APPLIANCE CATEGORY II2H3B P GAS SUPPLY Natural gas G20 20 mbar Instructions for the Installer Engineer technical data ...

Страница 13: ...ry 70 1 0 0 33 0 095 Rapid 86 2 7 0 75 196 Semi rapid 71 1 9 0 45 138 30 Auxiliary 50 1 0 0 33 73 Rapid 120 1 8 0 75 0 191 Semi rapid 105 1 4 0 45 0 148 13 Auxiliary 80 0 9 0 33 0 095 Injectors for natural gas G20 13 mbar are for Russia only NATURAL GAS LIQUID GAS NATURAL GAS Burner Ø By pass in 1 100 of mm Auxiliary 28 Semi rapid 32 Rapid 42 Table2 Injectors Table1 By passdiameters ...

Страница 14: ...NCORPORATED IN THIS BOOKLET OR THE REGULATION IN FORCEBEIGNORED Instruction for the Installer Gas Connection Choose fixed connections or use a flexible pipe instainless steel in compliance with the regulation in force Ifusingflexiblemetallicpipes becarefultheydonotcomeincontactwithmobilepartsortheyare not squeezed Use the same attention when the hob is combinated with an oven IMPORTANT To ensure a...

Страница 15: ...on or torsion it doesn t get in touch with cutting edges or corners it can be easily inspected in order to check its condition The control of preservation of the flexible pipe consistsin checking that it doesn t show cracks cuts marks of burnings bothon the end parts and on its full extent the material is not hardened but shows its normal elasticity the fastening clamps are not rusted expiry term ...

Страница 16: ...otheelectricsystem itisnecessarythatyouinstalladoublepole switchbetweentheapplianceandtheelectricitysupply withaminimumgapof3mm betweentheswitch contactsandofatypesuitablefortherequiredloadincompliancewiththecurrentrules Theconnectioncablehastobeplacedinorderthat ineachpart itcannotreachatemperaturehigher than90 C Thebrowncolouredphasecable fittedintheterminalblockcontactmarkedwith L mustalwaysbe ...

Страница 17: ...djustment of minimum level Toadjusttheminimumleveloftheburners proceedas follows Lighttheburner Turntheknobontheminimumposition Removetheknob Withathinscrewdriver adjusttheby passscrew positionedinthecentreofthegastapcontrolshaft seeFig 6 Ifchangingfromnaturalgas20mbar to liquid gas completely tighten the adjustment screwin Ifchangingfromliquidgastonaturalgas 20mbar undotheby passscrewabout1 4ofat...

Страница 18: ...itchenunitwhosedepthisbetween 550mmand600mm The hobs dimensions are shown in Fig 7 The edge of the cut out must have a minimum distance from the rear wall of 55 mm If there are side walls or sides of the furniture unit near the hob the cut out edges must have a minimum distance of 100 mm Hanging forniture units or hoods must be placed at 650 mm minimum from the hob 550 470 580 510 55 min SR SR A R...

Страница 19: the hob seepingintothecabinetbelow 1 Removethepansupports theburnerscaps and crowns and turn the hob upside down taking care the ignition candles are not damagedinthisoperation 2 Placetherelevantsealingallaroundtheglass topedge takingcarethatthesealingsmeet withoutoverlapping Fig 8 3 Placethehobinthecutout takingcareofits centring 4 Fixthehobwiththerelevantscrews Fig 9 A Sealinggasket Fig 8 Fig...

Страница 20: ... easy access if a technical assistance intervention is needed Kitchen unit with oven The hob recess dimensions must comply the indication given in Figs 11 and 12 and must be providedwithbracketstoallowacontinuoussupplyofair Toavoidoverhating thebuildinginshould be carried out as shown in Figs 13 and 14 The hob s electric connection and the oven s one must be carried out separately both for safety ...

Страница 21: ...21 Fig 12 FO 0198 Fig 11 FO 0947 Fig 13 Fig 14 FO 0938 FO 0939 593 ...

Страница 22: ...e appliance guarantee or otherwise by law If you move from one of these countries to another of the countries listed below the appliance guarantee will move with you subject to the following qualifications The appliance guarantee starts from the date you first purchased the appliance which will be evidenced by production of a valid purchase document issued by the seller of the appliance The applia...

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