System Fault: Water Pressure Out of Range: Low!
This pop-up will display when there is a problem with output pressure from the pump being lower than the
target pressure by an amount that exceeds the allowable deviation setting. A range of the target pressure
Problems may include
broken or missing nozzle
leaking hose connection downstream of the flow meter
broken plumbing fitting between the pump and spray booms
The default setting for this is 70 kPa below the target range for at least 10 seconds. For
reference, the spray pressure for a traveling speed of 8 km/hr (5 MPH) and a flow rate of 54.1 L/
min (14.3 GPM) is 138 kPa (20 PSI).
System Fault: Water Flow Out of Range: Low!
This pop-up will display when there is a problem with output flow from the pump being lower than the
target flow rate, by an amount that exceeds the allowable deviation setting.
Problems may include:
Hydraulic control valve contamination in the FastICE hydraulic manifold
Damaged water flow meter
Operating Manual
Zamboni FastICE
Operating Manual
DK - 11000
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