Z3 Technology, LLC ♦ 4701 Innovation Drive CB103 ♦ Lincoln, NE 68521 USA ♦ +1.402.323.0702
Connect the HDMI output of the media player to the HDMI 1 input on the Z3-DM8168-APP-41.
Connect the HDMI output of the Z3-DM1868-APP-41 to the HDMI input of the monitor.
Connect the Ethernet patch cable from the RJ-45 jack of the Z3-DM8168-APP-41 to the Windows PC.
Ensure that VLC is running on the Windows PC.
Power up the system and observe it booting.
If the system boots to the shell prompt, then enter the commands “
cd /opt/z3
” and
” to reach the “H.264 file enc/dec demo” menu.
Use the option “U” to enter “rtp://” as the H.264 URL. Please note that this is the IP
address of the Windows PC.
If necessary, use the option “I” to select the HDMI1 input.
Use option “S” to start the streaming encoder.
Verify that the video input is shown on the video monitor.
HDMI input 2
This test verifies the HDMI input 2 by accepting video from that port. The H.264 encoder is also verified by
streaming the resulting H.264 video to the Windows PC. The PC can decode the video using VLC.
Follow the same procedure as for the HDMI input 1 shown in section 4.7 above, except:
Connect the video cable from the media player to HDMI input 2.
Use the option “I” to select the HDMI2 input instead of HDMI1.
Verify that the video from the HDMI input 2 appears on the video monitor.
H.264 video encoder
This test step verifies that the H.264 video encoder is functional by encoding video from the HDMI input 1
and streaming it to the Windows PC. The Windows PC can decode the stream using VLC.
Follow the same procedure as for the HDMI input 1 shown in section 4.7 above.
On VLC running on the Windows PC, click on “Media” then “Open file”. Select the sdp file provided.
Verify that VLC plays the video being encoded.