Z3 Technology, LLC
100 N. 8th St. STE 250
Lincoln, NE 68508-1369 USA
This brings you to the Software Updater screen. Click “Browse” and browse to the directory z3-
dm368/z3-dm368-RPS-(date)/images and select the image file “z3-dm368-rtptx-demo.img”:
Click “Open.”
Click “Upload and Update.” You should see a “FLASH Update now in progress” message. Once
finished it will go back to the main menu.
After the update, reboot the board. This is important, because if there are any timing changes
brought about by u-boot those will only take effect after a reboot occurs.
If a MFR version is loaded, the MAC address resets to the default value. This can cause an issue if the
Z3-DM368-RPS is used with another Z3-DM368-RPS that also has reset values (if two systems have
the same MAC address on the network, behavior is unpredictable). For this reason, it is
recommended you modify the MAC address to a unique value if a MFR image is used. This can be
done within u-boot with the command “setenv ethaddr {new MAC address value}”.
It is also possible to update the firmware using an SD card with the ZWriter tool. Details can be found
in Appendix B on page 49.
Figure 27 Browsing for the Image File in the Updater